Books written by male authors (3779)


Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree EN

0 Ratings
'The most fun I've ever had in a coffee shop' - Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London A cosy, heartwarming slice-of-life fantasy about found families and fresh starts, Legends & Lattes is perfect for fans of TJ Klune, Katherine Addison and T. Kingfisher. From the Hugo Award-winning author, Travis Baldree. High fantasy, low stakes - with a double-shot of coffee. After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream - for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no on... continue


Legends, Traditions and Tales of Nauru : A Transcript of a Series of Lectures Delivered by Native Teachers by Timothy Detudamo EN

0 Ratings
Country: Oceania / Nauru flag Nauru
In a fast globalizing world, group histories,traditions and memories, especially of smaller countries, are at risk of being lost. In 1938, Head Chief Detudamo had the foresight to transcribe and then translate, a series of lectures relating to the legends, customs and tales of Nauru, delivered by what he termed 'native teachers'. Seventy years later, in line with its aim of ensuring that the historic and contemporary 'voice' of the Pacific is heard on the world stage, IPS Publications is pleased to make them more widely available in this, THE LEGENDS, TRADITIONS AND TALES OF NAURU. This book i... continue


Lemona's Tale by Ken Saro-Wiwa EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Nigeria flag Nigeria
For a quarter of a century, Lemona has been held in a Nigerian prison, her crimes reflecting her passion and despair, her silence masking the truth. On the last day of her life she is visited by Ola, whose parents Lemona killed. To this woman Lemona recounts the events of her upbringing in poverty, the kindness of friends who took her in, and the abuse, corruption and betrayal by men which led to her downfall. though she is awaiting execution, Lemona's desire to understand the forces that shaped her life resonates throughout her story, leading Ola towards a new interpretation of her own histor... continue


Leonard and Hungry Paul by Ronan Hession EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Ireland flag Ireland
A disarming novel that asks a simple question: Can gentle people change the world? In this charming and truly unique debut, popular Irish musician Ronan Hession tells the story of two single, thirty-something men who still live with their parents and who are . . . nice. They take care of their parents and play board games together. They like to read. They take satisfaction from their work. They are resolutely kind. And they realize that none of this is considered . . . normal. Leonard and Hungry Paul is the story of two friends struggling to protect their understanding of what’s meaningful in ... continue


Les cerfs-volants de Kaboul by Khaled Hosseini FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Afghanistan flag Afghanistan
En plus de nous révéler l'Afghanistan contemporain, le romancier réussit une très belle histoire d'amour en ce lieu difficile. [SDM].


Les fils de la médina by Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
Sur les ruines des somptueux palais fatimides a poussé la Gamaliyya, un quartier populaire du vieux Caire. De ce petit monde truculent, qui oscille au fil des rumeurs de la ville ou voltige sur les fumées somnolentes du haschisch, s'élève parfois la voix du poète populaire disant l'évasion, proférant l'illusion, tandis que se succèdent des protagonistes qui mobilisent les ferveurs du peuple et suggèrent les trois révélations. Toujours interdit par la censure égyptienne, qui l'identifia comme une scandaleuse transposition de l'histoire sainte dans la chronique familière des hommes, ce fastueux ... continue


Les lettres de prison de Nelson Mandela by Nelson Mandela FR

0 Ratings
"Le nouveau monde ne sera pas construit par ceux qui restent à l'écart les bras croisés, mais par ceux qui sont dans l'arène, les vêtements réduits en haillons par la tempête et le corps mutilé par les événements". Arrêté en 1962 par le gouvernement d'apartheid d'Afrique du Sud, Nelson Mandela a passé vingt-sept ans en prison – du 7 novembre 1962 au 11 février 1990. Au cours de ces 10 052 jours de détention, il fut un épistolier prolifique, écrivant des centaines de lettres aux autorités inflexibles, à ses compagnons de lutte, aux gouvernements officiels, mais aussi à sa femme Winnie, à ses ci... continue


Les Miserables by Victor Hugo EN

Rating: 5 (11 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
A thrilling tale of narrow escapes, romance in the midst of a revolution, and heroism at Waterloo, this classic forms a parable of a morally empty state that values retribution rather than justice.


Les quatre accords toltèques by Don Miguel Ruiz FR

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Découvrez ou redécouvrez Les quatre accords toltèques, et prenez comme des millions de lecteurs en France et à travers le monde, la voie de la liberté personnelle. Dans ce livre, Don Miguel révèle la source des croyances limitatrices qui nous privent de joie et créent des souffrances inutiles. Il montre en des termes très simples comment on peut se libérer du conditionnement collectif - le "rêve de la planète", basé sur la peur - afin de retrouver la dimension d'amour inconditionnel qui est à notre origine et constitue le fondement des enseignements toltèques que Castenada fut le premier à fai... continue