Books set in North Macedonia (5)

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El Tiempo de las Cabras by Luan Starova, Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
El narrador de la novela, hijo de exiliados albaneses y trasunto del autor, se dispone a catalogar la biblioteca de su padre y al descubrir en ella una colección de libros relacionados con las cabras evoca los acontecimientos que presenció durante su niñez, poco después de que su familia se instalara en Macedonia. En aquella época, justo al terminar la segunda guerra mundial el nuevo régimen trabajaba con ahínco en crear una gran clase proletaria en un país hasta entonces rural. Los pastores fueron obligados a instalarse en las ciudades y, así, un buen día éstas amanecieron blancas, invadidas ... continue


Freud's Sister : A Novel by Goce Smilevski EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
The award-winning international sensation that poses the question: Was Sigmund Freud responsible for the death of his sister in a Nazi concentration camp? The boy in her memories who strokes her with the apple, who whispers to her the fairy tale, who gives her the knife, is her brother Sigmund. Vienna, 1938: With the Nazis closing in, Sigmund Freud is granted an exit visa and allowed to list the names of people to take with him. He lists his doctor and maids, his dog, and his wife's sister, but not any of his own sisters. The four Freud sisters are shuttled to the Terezín concentration camp, w... continue


Mi Marido by Rumena Buzarovska ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
In these eleven devastatingly precise and psychologically unsettling stories, we follow the female protagonists' thwarted attempts at intimacy, ranging from pretense, to denial, to violent and ultimately self-destructive acts. This smart, funny, provocative collection demonstrates the profound skills that have made Rumena Buzarovska one of the finest contemporary writers of short fiction in Macedonia.


My Husband by Rumena Bužarovska EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Adulterers, cheats, hypocrites, bad seeds--in My Husband, Rumena Bužarovska turns her wry and razor-sharp gaze on men, and on the lives of the women who suffer them. In these eleven devastatingly precise and psychologically unsettling stories, we follow the female protagonists' thwarted attempts at intimacy, ranging from pretense, to denial, to violent and ultimately self-destructive acts. This smart, funny, provocative collection demonstrates the profound skills that have made Rumena Bužarovska one of the finest contemporary writers of short fiction in Macedonia.