Book type: fiction (4104)


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee EN

Rating: 4 (59 votes)
Voted America's Best-Loved Novel in PBS's The Great American Read Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning masterwork of honor and injustice in the deep South—and the heroism of one man in the face of blind and violent hatred One of the most cherished stories of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird has been translated into more than forty languages, sold more than forty million copies worldwide, served as the basis for an enormously popular motion picture, and was voted one of the best novels of the twentieth century by librarians across the country. A gripping, heart-wrenching, and wholly remarkable ta... continue


To Live : A Novel by Yu Hua EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / China flag China
Originally banned in China but later named one of that nation’s most influential books, a searing novel that portrays one man’s transformation from the spoiled son of a landlord to a kindhearted peasant. “A work of astounding emotional power.” —Dai Sijie, author of Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress From the author of Brothers and China in Ten Words: this celebrated contemporary classic of Chinese literature was also adapted for film by Zhang Yimou. After squandering his family’s fortune in gambling dens and brothels, the young, deeply penitent Fugui settles down to do the honest work of... continue


To Sir with Love by Edward Ricardo Braithwaite EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Candidly describes the problems overcome by this Black teacher in teaching distrustful, rebellious teenagers in a London slum school.


To the End of the Land by David Grossman EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Israel flag Israel
Ora, amiddle-aged Israeli mother, is on the verge of celebrating her son Ofer's release from army service when he returns to the front for a major offensive. This a book of mourning for those not dead, a mother's lament for life during a wartime that has no end in sight. At the same time, it's joyously and almost painfully alive, full to the point of rupture with the emotions and the endless quotidian details of a few deeply imagined lives. Ora, the Israeli mother in Grossman's story, is surrounded by men: Ilan and Avram, friends and lovers who form with her a love triangle whose intimacies an... continue

To the Lighthouse

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
The novel that established Virginia Woolf as a leading writer of the twentieth century, To the Lighthouse is made up of three powerfully charged visions into the life of one family living in a summer house off the rocky coast of Scotland. As time winds its way through their lives, the Ramseys face, alone and simultaneously, the greatest of human challenges and its greatest triumph-the human capacity for change. A moving portrait in miniature of family life, it also has profoundly universal implications, giving language to the silent space that separates people and the space that they transgres... continue


Toda una vida by Robert Seethaler ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Hasta una perdida aldea centroeuropea, en un remoto rincn̤ alpino, llega a principios del siglo XX el pequeǫ Andreas Egger con apenas cuatro aǫs, abandonado por su madre. El niǫ crece sometido a la fřrea disciplina de su to̕, y su horizonte se agota en la cadena de enormes montaąs que rodean el valle. As,̕ entre esas cimas, la vida de Andreas discurre entre la rudeza del entorno y una forzosa adaptacin̤ a los cambios que impone el progreso. Una fb̀ula sobre el sentido y el sinsentido de la existencia. Las pulsiones bs̀icas del ser humano, la generosidad y el egos̕mo, el amor y la muerte, son l... continue


Todo está tranquilo arriba by Gerbrand Bakker ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Netherlands flag Netherlands
Helmer es un granjero que, con cincuenta y cinco años y una vida marcada por la soledad, está a punto de tomar las riendas de su vida. Gerbrand Bakker nos envuelve en los pensamientos de un protagonista que trata de entender su propio aislamiento a través de un lenguaje directo que nos divierte, emociona y nos lleva a preguntarnos el porqué de nuestras propias decisiones. Los constantes viajes entre el pasado y el presente nos hacen partícipes de una historia que podría haber sido diferente.


Todo lo que tengo lo llevo conmigo by Herta Müller ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Valiéndose de las conversaciones y de las detalladas notas de la vida en el campo de concentración tomadas por su amigo, el poeta Oskar Pastior, la premio Nobel rumana Herta Müller indaga en la historia de represión y persecución sufrida por los alemanes rumanos en tiempos de Stalin. «Una conmovedora obra que consigue, con un lenguaje de enorme sensibilidad, traer luz a los tiempos oscuros.» Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung «Su voz posee el don de la poesía, de una lírica concisa y plena.» ABC «El libro más importante de esta especialista en las deformaciones del alma humana y constituye, sin du... continue