Die Nordnorweger Leif und Roy träumen davon, das schnelle Geld zu machen. Da hat Leif eine geniale Idee: ein Erlebniscamp, in dem gestresste Urlauber wie Samen leben und im Kontakt mit der Natur wieder zu sich finden können. Braucht ja niemand zu wissen, dass Leif und Roy in Wirklichkeit wenig Ahnung von den Traditionen der Samen haben. Doch manche Touristen stellen echt viele Fragen ...
"The novella that first propelled Dazai into the literary elite of post-war Japan. Essentially the start of Dazai's career, Schoolgirl gained notoriety for its ironic and inventive use of language. Now it illuminates the prevalent social structures of a lost time, as well as the struggle of the individual against them--a theme that occupied Dazai's life both personally and professionally. This new translation preserves the playful language of the original and offers the reader a new window into the mind of one of the greatest Japanese authors of the 20th century"--Page 4 of cover.
'Will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you think' Graeme Simsion Inspired by the author's experiences with his own son, SHTUM is a novel about three generations of a family learning how to get along. Ten-year-old Jonah lives in a world of his own. He likes colours and feathers and the feel of fresh air on his skin. He dislikes sudden loud noises and any change to his daily routine. Jonah has never spoken, yet somehow he communicates better than all of the adults in his life. 'Fiercely funny ... an unforgettable first novel' The Times 'A book with true heart and soul' Joanna Cannon, autho... continue
Les millors professionals del món de l'scrapbooking es donen cita a Andorra per assistir al primer congrés que se celebra al país. La descoberta al llac d'Engolasters del cadàver d'una scrapera molt famosa trasbalsarà als assistents d'aquesta trobada i a la presidenta del club, la forense Maria Sastre, que demanarà ajuda al comissari Cerni Llop. Scrap mortal ens endinsa entre els bastidors de l'univers de l'scrapbooking, on venjances i rancúnies són a l'ordre del dia. Un entorn creatiu i de fantasia que s'entrellaça amb el món del bàsquet i amb la diplomàcia nord-americana al voltant de la inv... continue
Traducere de Vali Florescu Cărțile scriitoarei britanice Jeanette Winterson sunt publicate în peste 35 de țări. „De ce măsura iubirii este pierderea ei?" Așa începe un roman frumos ca o scrisoare de dragoste, în care protagoniștii se caută, se găsesc într-o noapte ploioasă, se iubesc nebunește și în cele din urmă rătăcesc iremediabil drumul unul spre celălalt. Pe ea o cheamă Louise. Are păr prerafaelit și pielea albă ca laptele. Dar persoana pe care o iubește și care-i așterne pe hârtie povestea n-are nici nume, nici chip, nici sex. Însă dragostea nu cunoaște astfel de îngrădiri. E, așa cum de... continue
Tove Jansson's first book for adults drew on her childhood memories to capture afresh the enchantments and fears of growing up in Helsinki in the nineteen tens and twenties. Described as both a memoir and 'a book of superb stories' by Ali Smith, her startlingly evocative prose offers a glimpse of the mysteries of winter ice, the bonhomie of balalaika parties, and the vastness of Christmas viewed from beneath the tree.
A Time Best YA Book of All Time (2021) Two teens must learn the “art of killing” in this Printz Honor–winning book, the first in a chilling new series from Neal Shusterman, author of the New York Times bestselling Unwind dystology. A world with no hunger, no disease, no war, no misery: humanity has conquered all those things, and has even conquered death. Now Scythes are the only ones who can end life—and they are commanded to do so, in order to keep the size of the population under control. Citra and Rowan are chosen to apprentice to a scythe—a role that neither wants. These teens must master... continue