Book type: fiction (6505)


Yamilia by Chinguiz Aitmátov ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Kyrgyzstan flag Kyrgyzstan
Es 1942 y Yamilia vive con su familia política en una pequeña aldea kirguiza rodeada de montañas. A casi todas partes la acompaña el joven Seit, todavía un niño, fascinado por el magnético carácter y el descaro de la joven y siempre dispuesto a defenderla de cualquier agravio. Como el resto de hombres, el esposo de Yamilia lucha en el frente en defensa de la madre patria, y las mujeres, los niños y los heridos deben asumir las duras labores del campo: una tarea que se repite cada día, desde el amanecer hasta el ocaso. Pronto... continue


Year of the Drought by Roland Buti EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Switzerland flag Switzerland
Europe is in the grip of the worst drought in living memory. The Sutter household teeters on the brink of ruin. The farmer and father of the family has invested his entire fortune in 10,000 chickens and a modern barn. But the barn's cooling system are failing, and the chicks are dying off in the heat. Meanwhile his wife invites the mysterious Cecile to stay at the farm. Their son, 13-year-old Gus, observes helplessly as both his family and his carefree childhood dissolve in the heat.


Years and Years by Jungeun Hwang EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / South Korea flag South Korea
Three women--the old mother and her two daughters--contemplate their family life and their bottled-up feelings through the novel's placating yet oddly unnerving prose. Every Year is divided into four large chapters; the first unravels from the perspective of Sejin, younger daughter, the second from that of Youngjin, older daughter, the third from the mother's, and the fourth, back to Sejin's. Throughout the course of the novel, a number of themes are developed, including its discussion of interracial marriage, different forms of family, and sexual minorities. Circumstances and history forced t... continue


Yellow Street : A Novel in Five Scenes by Veza Canetti EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Ironically depicts the lives of leather-merchants in the Leopoldstadt district of Vienna and the despair, poverty, and declining moral values of the 1930s.


Yellow Wallpaper & Other Stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman EN

0 Ratings
In the Longsellers collection, you will find the most read and loved books of all time.Published in 1892, The Yellow Wallpaper, became a classic whenever we talk about feminist literature.The story, told in the format of a diary, tells the story of a woman confined to a room in a country house, under the pretext of treating a condition of "depression and hysteria. Lonely and having her life closely controlled by her husband, she begins to obsess over the wallpaper in her room.Charlotte Perkins Gilman is regarded as pioneer in American feminism. Also known for the utopian feminist novel Herland... continue


Yellowface : A Novel by R. F. Kuang EN

Rating: 4 (9 votes)
Country: Asia / China flag China
So what if June edits Athena's novel and sends it to her agent as her own work? Doesn't this piece of history deserve to be told, whoever the teller? That's what June claims, and the New York Times bestseller list seems to agree. But June can't get away from Athena's shadow, and emerging evidence threatens to bring June's (stolen) success down around her


Yeonnam-Dong's Smiley Laundromat : A Novel by Kim Jiyun EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / South Korea flag South Korea
For readers who loved Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Book Shop, this heartwarming Korean bestseller tells the story of a mysterious diary left in a laundromat brings together patrons from all walks of life. Yeonnam-Dong's Smiley Laundromat is a place where the extraordinary stories of ordinary people unfold. Situated at the heart of rapidly gentrifying district of Seoul, the laundromat is a haven of peace and reflection for many locals. And when a notebook is left behind there, it becomes a place that brings people together. One by one, customers start jotting down candid diary entries, opening th... continue


Yes, Chef by Waitlyn Andrews EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
I've sworn off romantic relationships, stifling family expectations, and self-doubt. The trifecta, really. Returning home to run the family business is inevitable, but that doesn't mean I can't spend some time carving out my own path to culinary success. In Paris. Because who doesn't love Paris? Because Paris has the best food scene in the world. And I want to earn this my way, damn it. The first four months of living abroad go exactly as planned. Working at one of the chicest, up-and-coming restaurants in France—not to brag—I know a Michelin star is within reach if I keep my head down, focus,... continue


Yesterday by Juan Emar EN

0 Ratings
In San Agustín de Tango, you can never be sure what's waiting around the corner. Over the course of a single day – the day before today – the hero of this novel and his adored wife embark on a journey through the absurd and the surreal, encountering a choir of monkeys and a carnivorous ostrich, travelling from the studio of an artist obsessed with the colour green to the waistcoat pocket of a pot-bellied man. All the while, the tolling of the bell in the city square pushes their whirlwind adventure towards its fateful conclusion... A brilliant and bizarre work from an overlooked great of 20th ... continue


Yo serví al rey de Inglaterra by Bohumil Hrabal ES

0 Ratings
En la década de 1930, en Praga, un joven aprendiz de camarero, Jan, logra su primer trabajo dispuesto a convertirse en dueño de un hotel e ingresar en el selecto club de los millonarios. Listo y ambicioso, todo lo supeditará a alcanzar el éxito y el reconocimiento social. Pero el punto de vista de Jan es a menudo equivocado: se casa con una alemana que adora a Hitler justo cuando las tropas nazis entran en Praga, y se convierte en millonario justo cuando en su país se implanta el comunismo. Con un brillante sentido del humor y escenas hilarantes, Hrabal nos cuenta las picarescas peripecias del... continue