Read Around Asia Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Asia.

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Best books from Asia (908)

Light on Pranayama : The Definitive Guide to the Art of Breathing by B. K. S. Iyengar EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
The definitive guide to yogic breathing from B.K.S. Iyengar, the world's most respected yoga teacher.



Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Comienza otro día laborable y Ramchand corre por las callejuelas de Amritsar, importante ciudad del Punjab, hacia la tienda de saris situada en el antiguo bazar. Es allí donde pasa sus días, enrollando y desenrollando con infinita paciencia metros y metros de sedas de Benarés con deslumbrantes bordados, algodones de Bangladesh de vivos colores y delicados tejidos de satén, ante las esposas y las hijas de las familias pudientes. Y mientras escucha las conversaciones de esas personas tan alejadas de su condición, por su mente vagan todo tipo de pensamientos, en un vano intento de imaginar ese mu... continue


El dios de las pequeñas cosas by Arundhati Roy ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Ésta es la historia de tres generaciones de una familia de la región de Kerala, en el sur de la India, que se desperdiga por el mundo y se reencuentra en su tierra natal. Una historia que es muchas historias. La de la niña inglesa Sophie Moll que se ahogó en un río y cuya muerte accidental marcó para siempre las vidas de quienes se vieron implicados. La de dos gemelos Estha y Rahel que vivieron veintitrés años separados. La de Ammu, la madre de los gemelos, y sus furtivos amores adúlteros. La del hermano de Ammu, marxista educado en Oxford y divorciado de una mujer inglesa. La de los abuelos, ... continue


Clara luz del día by Anita Desai ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / India flag India



Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Als een Indiaas meisje verliefd wordt op een Nepalese jongen, krijgen beiden te maken met identiteitsproblemen.


Folk-Tales of Bengal - With 32 Illustrations in Colour by Warwick Goble by Behari Day EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
Pook Press celebrates the great Golden Age of Illustration in children's literature. Many of the earliest children's books, particularly those dating back to the 1850s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. Pook Press are working to republish these classic works in affordable, high quality, colour editions, using the original text and artwork so these works can delight another generation of children.


Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie EN

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / India flag India
"Once upon a time, in a world just like ours, there came "the time of the strangenesses." Reason receded and the loudest, most illiberal voices reigned. A simple gardener began to levitate, and a powerful djinn -- also known as the Princess of Fairyland -- raised an army composed entirely of her semi-magical great-great-great-grandchildren. A baby was born with the ability to see corruption in the faces of others. The ghosts of two philosophers, long dead, began arguing once more. And a battle for the kingdom of Fairyland was waged throughout our world for 1,001 nights -- or, to be more precis... continue


Líneas de sombra by Amitav Ghosh ES

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
Las líneas de sombra son aquellas, invisibles, que constituyen el mapa de la memoria. A través de los ojos de un adolescente, el autor despliega un riquísimo entramado de líneas de sombra que interconectan la historia de una familia india: los abuelos; el padre, arqueólogo y bohemio, atrapado en la sangrienta Partición de la India; la hermosa prima Ila, hija de un diplomático, que vive viajando por el mundo.


Cobalt Blue : A Novel by Sacina Kuṇḍalakara EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
This translation first published: New Delhi, India: Hamish Hamilton, 2013.


Hellfire by Līsā Gājī EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
"The holy Prophet received his revelations from the Creator at forty. Which meant that even in the eyes of Allah, 'forty' held some special meaning. Something special happened at forty, something special was going to happen. For the sisters Lovely and Beauty, home is a cage. Their mother Farida Khanam never lets them out of her hawk-eyed gaze. Leesa Gazi's Hellfire opens with Lovely's first ever solo expedition to Gausia Market on her fortieth birthday. There will be many firsts for her today, but she mustn't forget the curfew Farida Khanam has ordained. As Lovely roams the streets of Dhaka, h... continue