A Guided Tour Through the Museum of Communism

by Slavenka Drakulić

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Tags: Female author

A Guided Tour Through the Museum of Communism

A wry, cutting deconstruction of the Communist empire by one of Eastern Europe's exceptional authors. Called "a perceptive and amusing social critic, with a wonderful eye for detail" by The Washington Post, Slavenka Drakulic-a native of Croatia-has emerged as one of the most popular and respected critics of Communism to come out of the former Eastern Bloc. In A Guided Tour Through the Museum of Communism, she offers a eight-part exploration of Communism by way of an unusual cast of narrators, each from a different country, who reflect on the fall of Communism. Together they constitute an Orwellian send-up of absurdities during the final years of European Communism that showcase this author's tremendous talent.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Jane
(2 years ago)
02 Dec, 2022
Perceptive and amusing reflections on the fall of communism through the eyes of 8 narrators (who all happen to be animals) from 8 different Eastern European countries.

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