Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Poland.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
Sarah : A Novel by Marek Halter
Sarah’s story begins in the cradle of civilization: the Sumerian city-state of Ur, a land of desert heat, towering gardens, and immense wealth. The daughter of a powerful lord, Sarah balks at the marriage her father has planned for her. On her wedding day, she impulsively flees to the vast, empty marshes outside the city walls, where she meets a young man named Abram, son of a tribe of outsiders. Drawn to this exotic stranger, Sarah spends one night with him and reluctantly returns to her father’s house. But on her return, she secretly drinks a poisonous potion that will make her barren and thu... continue
Seed by Ania Ahlborn
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With nothing but the clothes on his back—and something horrific snapping at his heels—Jack Winter fled his rural Georgia home when he was still just a boy. Watching the world he knew vanish in a trucker’s rearview mirror, he thought he was leaving an unspeakable nightmare behind forever. But years later, the bright new future he’s built suddenly turns pitch black, as something fiendishly familiar looms dead ahead. When Jack, his wife Aimee, and their two small children survive a violent car crash, it seems like a miracle. But Jack knows what he saw on the road that night, and it wasn’t divine ... continue
Shosha by Isaac Bashevis Singer
It is Warsaw in the 1930s. Aaron Greidinger is an aspiring young writer and the son of a rabbi, who struggles to be true to his art when he is faced with the chance of riches and a passport to America. But as the Nazis threaten to invade Poland, Aaron rediscovers Shosha, his childhood sweetheart - still living on Krochmalna Street, still strangely childlike - who has been waiting for him all these years. In the face of unimaginable horror, he chooses to stay... One of Isaac Bashevis Singer's most personal works, Shosha is an unforgettable novel about conflicted desires, lost lives and the rede... continue
Sobre Los Huesos de Los Muertos by Olga Tokarczuk
"Un cazador furtivo muere en un bosque de Polonia, y alrededor de su cadáver se descubren huellas de origen animal. Nadie les da importancia, salvo una profesora jubilada, lectora y traductora de William Blake. Pero a medida que otras personas mueren, y que el bosque se llena de individuos extraños, alguien debe investigar quién es el ser que se atreve a atacar a los habitantes más violentos del pueblo"--Back cover.
Sonka by Ignacy Karpowicz
La historia sencilla e intensa de la nueva novela de Ignacy Karpowicz reflexiona sobre el dolor, el amor y la muerte, pero también sobre la forma en la que la literatura.
El Mercedes del prometedor dramaturgo Igor Grycowski se estropea en Królowe Stojło, un recóndito pueblo del este de Polonia. Este hecho casual propicia el encuentro del joven autor con Sonka, una solitaria y aparentemente insignificante anciana a la que se le ofrece la inesperada oportunidad de mostrar el mayor de sus tesoros: la historia de su vida. Una desdichada historia de guerra, de tragedia, de amo... continue
Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski
Geralt is a witcher, a man whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary murderer: his targets are the multifarious monsters and vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. He roams the country seeking assignments, but gradually comes to realise that while some of his quarry are unremittingly vile, vicious grotesques, others are the victims of sin, evil or simple naivety. In this collection of short stories, following the adventures of the hit collection THE LAST WISH, join ... continue
Taksim by Andrzej Stasiuk
Dos amigos recorren el este de Europa con una camioneta desvencijada, siempre a punto de reventar y dejarlos tirados en la cuneta de alguna de las innumerables fronteras que cruzan para vender ropa de segunda mano de los países occidentales. Con una ironía mordaz, Andrzej Stasiuk traza el periplo de ambos personajes por los lugares más pobres y asombrosos, donde colocar sus prendas resulta cada vez más complicado a causa de la competencia de los productos chinos. Un apasionante cuadro de los márgenes de la sociedad de consumo en Europa, donde la vida cambia a... continue