Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Russia.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
Los alegres funerales de Alik by Liudmila Ulitskaya
я люблю Нью-Йорк
“Ese país odiaba el sufrimiento. Lo rechazaba desde un punto de vista ontológico y sólo lo admitían como una caso particular que exigía erradicación inmediata. Aquella joven nación que repudiaba el sufrimiento había puesto en marcha escuelas enteras - filosóficas, psicológicas y médicas - consagradas a una única misión: librar al hombre del sufrimiento a cualquier precio. Al cerebro ruso de Fima le costaba asimilar esa idea. La tierra en la que había crecido amaba y valorab... continue
Muerte con pingüino (Blackie Bolsillo) by Andrei Kurkov
Viktor es un escritor está sin dinero, lo ha dejado su novia, tiene frío. Imaginen si se siente solo que decide adoptar a un pingüino. No sabe que este nuevo compañero de piso, Misha, también suelta suspiros melancólicos cuando chapotea en la bañera de agua helada y se encierra en la habitación como un adolescente. Ahora Viktor no solo está triste, sino que debe consolar a su amigo. Y además alimentarlo. Todo se complica cuando un gran periódico le encarga escribir esquelas de personajes públicos que aún e... continue
Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A collection of powerful stories by one of the masters of Russian literature, illustrating Fyodor Dostoyevsky's thoughts on political philosophy, religion and above all, humanity. From the primitive peasant who kills without understanding that he is destroying a human life, to the anxious antihero of Notes From Underground—a man who both craves and despises affection—this volume and its often-tormented characters showcase Dostoyevsky’s evolving outlook on man’s fate. The compelling works presented here were written at distinct periods in the author’s life, at decisive moments in his groping fo... continue
Notes from Underground and the Double by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
'Notes from Underground' (1864) is a study of a single character, 'the real man of the Russian majority', and a revelation of Dostoyevsky's own deepest beliefs. One of his best critics has said of the first part that it forms his 'most utterly naked pages. Never afterwards was he so fully and openly to reveal the inmost recesses, unmeant for display, of his heart.' 'The Double' (1846) is the nightmarish story of Mr Golyadkin, a man who is haunted or possessed by his own double. Is 'Mr Golyadkinjunior' really a double or simply a fearful side of his own nature? This uncertainty is what gives ur... continue
Nutcracker by E. T. A. Hoffmann
In Nutcracker, the premier children's book illustrator of our time adds his own magic to a story that has long enchanted children and grown-ups alike. Maurice Sendak created this illustrated version of Hoffmann's wonderful tale, basing his illustrations on the sets and costumes he designed for a dance production staged by the Pacific Northwest Ballet. Illustrations.
Nutcracker and Mouse King by E. T. A. Hoffmann
Rating: 4 (2 votes)
The original stories behind everyone's favorite Christmas ballet It wasn't until the 1950s that seeing The Nutcracker at Christmastime became an American tradition. But the story itself is much older and its original intent more complex. This eye-opening new volume presents two of the tale's earliest versions, both in new translations: E.T.A. Hoffmann's Nutcracker and Mouse King (1816), in which a young girl is whisked away to the Land of Toys to help her animated nutcracker defeat the Mouse King, and Alexandre Dumas's 1845 adaptation, The Tale of the Nutcracker, based on Hoffmann's popular wo... continue
Omon Ra by Viktor Pelevin
Rating: 4 (3 votes)
A satire about the Soviet space program finds Omon, who has dreamed of space flight all of his life, enrolled as a cosmonaut only to learn that his task will be piloting a supposedly unmanned lunar vehicle to the Moon and remaining there to die.
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich : (50th Anniversary Edition) by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The first published novel from the controversial Nobel Prize winning Russian author of The Gulag Archipelago. In the madness of World War II, a dutiful Russian soldier is wrongfully convicted of treason and sentenced to ten years in a Siberian labor camp. So begins this masterpiece of modern Russian fiction, a harrowing account of a man who has conceded to all things evil with dignity and strength. First published in 1962, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is considered one of the most significant works ever to emerge from Soviet Russia. Illuminating a dark chapter in Russian history, it ... continue
Os Irmãos Karamázov by Fiódor Dostoiévski
0 Ratings
Fiódor Karamázov é um golpista cínico e inescrupuloso que, através de seus dois casamentos infelizes, ascende socialmente até tornar-se um rico senhor de terras. Mas, junto com sua fortuna, ele recebe das falecidas esposas outra herança, nem tão desejável assim: Aliocha, Ivan e Dmítri, os seus três filhos. Abandonados à própria sorte ainda na infância, eles retornam misteriosamente à casa do pai anos mais tarde, movidos por intenções ocultas e incompreensíveis. E, mais uma vez reunidos, não demora até que todos sejam arrastados pela impetuosidade inerente ao sangue Karamazov, ocasionando uma t... continue