Romance genre books (422)


Parachutes by Kelly Yang EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / China flag China
A wealthy Chinese teen is sent to America on her own to attend private school. Claire is a rich 11th grader in Shanghai; Dani is a scholarship student at a private school in Southern California who helps her mother clean houses. When Claire is parachuted into America to finish high school and Dani's mother needs the income from a boarder, they become unlikely housemates.


Passion Simple by Annie Ernaux FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Un Don Juan à éclipses, venu de l'Est, fait souffrir une nouvelle Bovary. Sur le thème de l'attente amoureuse, un roman sentimental de type "Harlequin", investi, avec une autorité sobre, par une intellectuelle. La critique est partagée. J.-F. Josselin, du ##Nouvel Observateur##, dit que ce petit livre est "aussi charmant qu'inutile."


Patul lui Procust by Camil Petrescu RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Triunghiuri amoroase sunt destule in amandoua romanele lui Camil Petrescu de dinainte de razboi. Combustibilul care pune dorinta in miscare este, in amandoua, vanitatea. Daca pasiunea se analizeaza si formeaza obiectul prozei psihologice, vanitatea se reflecta in gesturi si formeaza obiectul prozei comportiste. Camil Petrescu, atat de dator lui Proust in tezele lui despre roman, nu-i datoreaza mare lucru in romane ca atare. Patul lui Procust e romanul unor vanitati ranite: a doamnei T. si a lui Fred Vasilescu, in primul rand. Tocmai ale celor carora Autorul le da cuvantul, pe care-i indeamna s... continue


Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina meets The L Word in this fresh, sizzling New York Times bestselling rom-com by Lana Harper. Emmy Harlow is a witch but not a very powerful one—in part because she hasn't been home to the magical town of Thistle Grove in years. Her self-imposed exile has a lot to do with a complicated family history and a desire to forge her own way in the world, and only the very tiniest bit to do with Gareth Blackmoore, heir to the most powerful magical family in town and casual breaker of hearts and destroyer of dreams. But when a spellcasting tournament that her family serves ... continue


Place on Dalhousie, The by Melina Marchetta EN

0 Ratings
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
When Rosie Gennaro first meets Jimmy Hailler, she has walked away from life in Sydney, leaving behind the place on Dalhousie that her father, Seb, painstakingly rebuilt for his family but never saw completed. Two years later, Rosie returns to the house and living there is Martha, whom Seb Gennaro married less than a year after the death of Rosie's mother. Martha is struggling to fulfil Seb's dream, while Rosie is coming to terms with new responsibilities. And so begins a stand-off between two women who refuse to move out of the home they both lay claim to. As the battle lines are drawn, Jimmy ... continue


Povestea târfelor mele triste by Gabriel García Márquez RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
In anul in care am implinit nouazeci de ani, am vrut sa-mi daruiesc o noapte de dragoste nebuna cu o adolescenta fecioara.” Aceasta e fraza cu care debuteaza romanul lui Garcia-Marquez. Un ziarist batrin decide sa-si sarbatoreasca a 90-a aniversare in stil mare, oferindu-si un cadou care il va face sa simta ca traieste: o adolescenta virgina. Intr-un bordel dintr-un oras pictural, o vede pe copila din spate, complet dezbracata, si viata sa se schimba radical. Acum, ca o cunoaste, simte ca ar putea muri, nu de batrinete, ci de dragoste. „Povestea tirfelor mele triste” e pov... continue


Pride by Ibi Zoboi EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Pride and Prejudice gets remixed in this smart, funny, gorgeous retelling of the classic, starring all characters of color, from Ibi Zoboi, National Book Award finalist and author of American Street. Zuri Benitez has pride. Brooklyn pride, family pride, and pride in her Afro-Latino roots. But pride might not be enough to save her rapidly gentrifying neighborhood from becoming unrecognizable. When the wealthy Darcy family moves in across the street, Zuri wants nothing to do with their two teenage sons, even as her older sister, Janae, starts to fall for the charming Ainsley. She especially can’... continue


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen EN

Rating: 5 (104 votes)
"He began to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention." Pride and Prejudice , one of the most famous love stories of all time, has also proven itself as a treasured mainstay of the English literary canon. With the arrival of eligible young men in their neighbourhood, the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five daughters are turned inside out and upside down. Pride encounters prejudice, upward-mobility confronts social disdain, and quick-wittedness challenges sagacity. Misconceptions and hasty judgements bring heartache and scandal, but eventually lead to true understanding, s... continue


Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh by Rachael Lippincott EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
When disheartened Pittsburgh teen Audrey transports back to 1812 England, she expects to find love as a Regency romance heroine, but surprisingly sparks fly when she meets Lucy Sinclair.