Popular European Biography Books

Find biography books written by authors from Europe for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (58)


Przemieszczenie by Margaryta Jakowenko PL

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Historia Darii Kowalenko Petrowej, która urodziła się w 1992 roku w Mariupolu, lecz w dzieciństwie wyemigrowała z rodzicami do Hiszpanii, to opowieść o współczesnej miłości, problemach ekonomicznych, rodzinie naznaczonej emigracją, a zarazem świadectwo pokolenia, które żyje w trwałym kryzysie. To także historia dwóch rozczarowań – Związkiem Radzieckim w XX wieku i społeczeństwem Zachodu w wieku XXI. U Margaryty Jakowenko, hiszpańskiej pisarki ukraińskiego pochodzenia, można odnaleźć ślady prozy Zadie Smith, tekstów Anne Carson czy reportaży Swietłany... continue


Radio Congo : Signals of Hope from Africa's Deadliest War by Ben Rawlence EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
In this extraordinary debut – called ‘gripping’ by The Times of London – Ben Rawlence sets out to gather the news from a forgotten town deep in Congo’s ‘silent quarter’ where peace is finally being built after two decades of civil war and devastation. Ignoring the advice of locals, reporters, and mercenaries, he travels by foot, bike, and boat, introducing us to Colonel Ibrahim, a guerrilla turned army officer; Benjamin, the kindly father of the most terrifying Mai Mai warlord; the cousins Mohammed and Mohammed, young tin traders hoping to make their fortune; and talk show host Mama Christine,... continue


Raising Trump : Family Values from America's First Mother by Ivana Trump EN

0 Ratings
Ivana Trump reflects on her extraordinary life and the raising of her three children—Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka—and recounts the lessons she taught her children as they were growing up. As her former husband serves as the 45th President of the United States, his children have also been thrust into the media spotlight—but it is Ivana who raised them and proudly instilled in them what she believes to be the most important life lessons: loyalty, honesty, integrity, and drive. Raising Trump is a non-partisan, non-political book about motherhood, strength, and resilience. Though Ivana writes abou... continue


Renia's Diary : A Holocaust Journal by Renia Spiegel EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Poland flag Poland
The long-hidden diary of a young Polish woman's life during the Holocaust, translated for the first time into English Renia Spiegel was born in 1924 to an upper-middle class Jewish family living in southeastern Poland, near what was at that time the border with Romania. At the start of 1939 Renia began a diary. “I just want a friend. I want somebody to talk to about my everyday worries and joys. Somebody who would feel what I feel, who would believe me, who would never reveal my secrets. A human being can never be such a friend and that’s why I have decided to look for a confidant in the form ... continue


Rode sirenes : een Oekraïense familiegeschiedenis by Victoria Belim NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
In 2014 keert Victoria terug naar Oekraïne om de verdwijning van haar oudoom Nikodim in de jaren dertig te onderzoeken. Wat gebeurde er met hem in ‘de bloedlanden’, waarom is er zo weinig bekend over zijn lot en waarom verbiedt haar grootmoeder Valentina haar het verleden te verstoren? In Poltava is de KGB misschien allang verdwenen, maar hun voormalige hoofdkwartier doet de lokale bevolking nog steeds huiveren.


Siberian Haiku by Jurga Vile EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Lithuania flag Lithuania
One morning in June 1941, a quiet village in Central Lithuania is shaken out of its slumber by the sudden arrival of the Soviet Army. Eight-year-old Algiukas awakes to the sound of Russian soldiers pounding on the door. His family are given ten minutes to pack up their things. They are not told where they're going or for how long. An airless freight train carries them from the fertile lands of rural Lithuania to the snowy plains of the Siberian taiga. There, in the distant, dismal North, they begin a life marked by endless hunger and unrelenting cold. And yet the darkness of exile is lightened... continue


Śmierć pięknych saren by Ota Pavel PL

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Za co tak bardzo kochamy Otę Pavla? Co sprawia, że kilka dekad po jego przedwczesnej śmierci wciąż sięgamy po jego książki? Z pewnością są to zawarte w tych tekstach ponadczasowe wartości: miłość, przyjaźń, rodzina i przyroda, a także podszyte delikatnym humorem nostalgia i bezradność wobec przemijającego świata i czasu. Lecz najważniejsza jest być może ta, tak charakterystyczna dla Pavla, magia życia, nieuchwytna, utkana ze słów i przypominająca, że każdy nasz dzień, nawet nie najpiękniejszy, ma olbrzymią wartość, którą jednak musimy odnaleźć przede wszystkim w naszych sercach. ... continue


Spare by Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex EN

0 Ratings
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Diana, Princess of Wales, was laid to rest, billions wondered what the princes must be thinking and feeling—and how their lives would play out from that point on. For Harry, this is that story at last. With its raw, unflinching honesty, Spare is a landmark publication full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.


Street Without A Name : Childhood And Other Misadventures In Bulgaria by Kapka Kassabova EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Born in Sofia, Kapka Kassabova grew up under the last years of Cold War Communism in the 1980s, emigrated after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and has loved and hated her homeland in equal measure ever since. Thirty years later, as Bulgaria was joining the EU club, Kapka revisited the country of her childhood and her own relationship to it to discover just how much it - and she - had changed. With the irreverence of an expat, the curiosity of a visitor, and the soul of a poet, Kassabova brings to life the past and present of Bulgaria, as well as probing the complicated connection between place a... continue


The Appointment : A Novel by Katharina Volckmer EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
“A darkly funny untangling of national and sexual identity.” —The Guardian * “Transgressive...Incendiary.” —The New Yorker * “A furious comic monologue...with a disregard for propriety worthy of Alexander Portnoy.” —The New York Times Book Review * “Sexy, hilarious, and subversive.” —The Paris Review For readers of Ottessa Moshfegh and Han Kang, a whip-smart debut novel in which a woman on the verge of major change addresses her doctor in a stream of consciousness narrative. In a well-appointed examination in London, a young woman unburdens herself to a certain Dr. Seligman. Though she can bar... continue