Books set in Germany (179)

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Hermanos de alma by David Diop ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"La desgarradora historia de un soldado senegalés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Alfa Ndiaye es senegalés y ha acabado combatiendo con el ejército francés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. En el mismo regimiento también lucha su amigo Mademba Diop, que es herido de gravedad en el frente. Cuando Mademba le pide que lo mate para evitar sufrimientos inútiles, Alfa se siente incapaz de cumplir su deseo. Ansioso por vengar la muerte de su compañero, cada noche se desliza con sigilo hacia las posiciones enemigas, elige a un soldado cuidándose de no ser descubierto, cla... continue


Hoţul de cărţi by Markus Zusak RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Este anul 1939. Germania nazistă. Ţara îşi ţine răsuflarea. Moartea nu a avut niciodată mai mult de lucru, şi va deveni chiar mai ocupată. Liesel Meminger şi fratele ei mai mic sunt duşi de catre mama lor să locuiască cu o familie socială în afara oraşului München. Tatăl lui Liesel a fost dus departe sub şoapta unui singur cuvânt nefamiliar - Kommunist -, iar Liesel vede în ochii mamei sale teama unui destin similar. Pe parcursul călătoriei, Moartea îi face o vizită băieţelului şi o observă pe Liesel. Va fi prima dintre multe întâlniri apropiate. ... continue


Hundred : What You Learn in a Lifetime by Heike Faller EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
In HUNDRED, the simple pleasures and hard lessons of each age are gorgeously presented as a full color, illustrated journey of the passage of time . What did you learn in life? At age 3? At 21? What about 45? 65? 80 and beyond? How can you share this wisdom with the people you love?


Identitti by Mithu Sanyal EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
"Provocative and knotty . . . Identitti is a bracing story, one in which Sanyal refuses to give us the easy way out." —Olivia Craighead, The New York Times Nivedita (a.k.a. Identitti), a well-known blogger and doctoral student is in awe of her supervisor—superstar postcolonial and race studies South-Asian professor Saraswati. But her life and sense of self are turned upside down when it emerges that Saraswati is actually white. Nivedita’s praise of her professor during a radio interview just hours before the news breaks—and before she learns the truth—calls into question her own reputation as ... continue


If Not Now, When? by Primo Levi EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
Primo Levi was among the greatest witnesses to twentieth-century atrocity. In this gripping novel, based on a true story, he reveals the extraordinary lives of the Russian, Polish and Jewish partisans trapped behind enemy lines during the Second World War. Wracked by fear, hunger and fierce rivalries, they link up, fall apart, struggle to stay alive and to sabotage the efforts of the all-powerful German army. A compelling tale of action, resistance and epic adventure, it also reveals Levi's characteristic compassion and deep insight into the moral dilemmas of total war. It ranks alongside THE ... continue


Im Westen Nichts Neues by Erich Maria Remarque DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Die Geschichte des neunzehnjährigen Paul Bäumer, der als ahnungsloser Kriegsfreiwilliger von der Schulbank an die Front kommt.


Inkheart by Cornelia Funke EN

Rating: 5 (8 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Cornelia Funke, the enormously talented author of the international best-seller THE THIEF LORD, brings readers another spellbinding tale of adventure and magic. Meggie lives a quiet life alone with her father, a book-binder. But her father has a deep secret-- he posseses an extraordinary magical power. One day a mysterious stranger arrives who seems linked to her father's past. Who is this sinister character and what does he want? Suddenly Meggie is involved in a breathless game of escape and intrigue as her father's life is put in danger. Will she be able to save him in time?


Iowa : Ein Ausflug nach Amerika by Stefanie Sargnagel DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Das neue Buch der österreichischen Bestsellerautorin ("Dicht"). Stefanie Sargnagels Blick auf die USA ist so unverwechselbar wie ihr Schreiben: Sarkastisch, schonungslos ehrlich und doch voll Sympathie bringt sie uns das ländliche Amerika nahe und berichtet nebenbei herzerwärmend über die Lebensnotwendigkeit von Frauenfreundschaften. 2022 tauscht Stefanie Sargnagel widerstrebend das bequeme Wiener Sofa gegen ein Flugticket in die USA ein. In Iowa soll sie an einem College mitten im Nirgendwo Creative Writing unterrichten. In der Kleinstadt Grinnell mit ihren 8000 Ei... continue


Issa by Mirrianne Mahn DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Cameroon flag Cameroon
Eigentlich will Issa diese Reise gar nicht antreten. Schwanger sitzt sie im Flugzeug nach Douala, angetrieben von ihrer Mutter, die bei der bevorstehenden Geburt um das Leben ihrer Tochter fürchtet. In Kamerun, dem Land ihrer Kindheit, soll sie den heilsamen Weg der Rituale gehen, unter den Adleraugen ihrer Omas. Doch so einfach ist das alles gar nicht, wenn man in Frankfurt zu schwarz und in Buea zu deutsch ist. Der Besuch wird für Issa eine Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Familiengeschichte und der Gewissheit, dass sowohl Traumata als auch der unbedingte Liebes- und Lebenswille ... continue