Books set in Senegal (22)

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At Night All Blood Is Black : A Novel by David Diop EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Selected by students across France to win the the Prix Goncourt des Lycéens, David Diop’s English-language, historical fiction debut At Night All Blood is Black is a “powerful, hypnotic, and dark novel” (Livres Hebdo) of terror and transformation in the trenches of the First World War. Alfa Ndiaye is a Senegalese man who, never before having left his village, finds himself fighting as a so-called “Chocolat” soldier with the French army during World War I. When his friend Mademba Diop, in the same regiment, is seriously injured in battle, Diop begs Alfa to kill him and spare him the pain of a l... continue


Beyond the Door or No Return by David Diop EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
FINALIST FOR THE 2023 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR TRANSLATED FICTION 'Stunningly realized... A spellbinding novel' MAAZA MENGISTE, Booker Prize–shortlisted author of The Shadow King 'Diop has opened a new way of thinking about the eighteenth century and its hideous cruelties' ABDULRAZAK GURNAH, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 'A compelling romantic adventure... Through an act of remembrance, Diop seeks to build a repository of lives and histories lost to the slave trade' FINANCIAL TIMES __________ The captivating new novel from David Diop, winner of the International Booker Prize Paris, 18... continue


Die Nacht des Baobab : Eine Afrikanerin in Europa by Ken Bugul DE

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Senegal flag Senegal
Seit Urzeiten lag ihr Dorf im schützenden Schatten des Baobab, des Affenbrotbaums. Auf der Suche nach einer Zukunft, nach Wissen und Bildung zieht Ken in die Stadt und erhält ein Stipendium für ein Studium in Europa. Dort ist sie den Blicken auf der Straße, dem ständigen Wechselbad von Ablehnung und Anmache ausgesetzt. Verzweifelt und verloren sucht sie dennoch die Anerkennung, wo sie am leichtesten zu finden ist: in den Nachtclubs und in den Bars. Hier wird sie schließlich zur Philosophin schwarzer und weiblicher Kultur. Sensibel und schonungslos schildert sie,... continue


Die Tränen der Töchter by Khady DE

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Senegal flag Senegal
Der aufrüttelnde Lebensbericht der Senegalesin Khady, die mit 7 Jahren den Albtraum der Beschneidung erleidet, mit 13 zwangsverheiratet wird und die sich heute dem Kampf gegen die weibliche Genitalverstümmelung widmet.


God's Bits of Wood by Ousmane Sembène EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Africa / Senegal flag Senegal
"God's Bits of Wood is a fictionalized account of the Dakar-Niger train strikes which took in the 1940s. The novel looks at both the political and personal sacrifices the strikers and their families made. The political power is portrayed here as the strikers try to win back pensions, annual paid vacations, and family allowances from the Europeans. The novel can be seen as a shift of power between the African strikers and their European bosses. The Europeans have the political process and violence as a leverage of power, which they use both insistently and mindlessly. One of the European delega... continue


Hermanos de alma by David Diop ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"La desgarradora historia de un soldado senegalés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Alfa Ndiaye es senegalés y ha acabado combatiendo con el ejército francés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. En el mismo regimiento también lucha su amigo Mademba Diop, que es herido de gravedad en el frente. Cuando Mademba le pide que lo mate para evitar sufrimientos inútiles, Alfa se siente incapaz de cumplir su deseo. Ansioso por vengar la muerte de su compañero, cada noche se desliza con sigilo hacia las posiciones enemigas, elige a un soldado cuidándose de no ser descubierto, cla... continue


Hombres Puros by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Senegal flag Senegal
It all started with a viral video in Senegal. We see how a corpse is dug up, then dragged out of a cemetery by a crowd. As soon as he watches it, Ndéné Gueye, a young literature professor disappointed by teaching and tired of the moral hypocrisy of his society, becomes preoccupied, even obsessed, by this event. Who was it about? Why was the body exhumed? To these questions, there is only one answer: he was a góor-jigéen, a "man-woman". In other words, a homosexual. Ndéné sets out to research this man's past. Around him, in the university environment as well as within his own family, suspicions... continue


La Mas Recondita Memoria de Los Hombres by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr ES

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Senegal flag Senegal
1938: African writer T. C Elimane, known as the black Rimbaud, publishes a novel entitled The Labyrinth of the Inhuman. Controversy breaks out, he is accused of plagiarism, the author disappears and his work becomes a cursed book. 2018: the young African writer residing in Paris Diégane Latyr Faye discovers the lost novel and decides to investigate the missing author. With the help of an enigmatic woman and a group of young African writers, the protagonist embarks on a journey in search of a myth and perhaps also of himself. The clues take him to the Buenos Aires of Sur magazine, Gombrowicz an... continue


La porte du voyage sans retour by David Diop FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
"La porte du voyage sans retour" est le surnom donné à l'île de Gorée, d'où sont partis des millions d'Africains au temps de la traite des Noirs. C'est dans ce qui est en 1750 une concession française qu'un jeune homme débarque, venu au Sénégal pour étudier la flore locale. Botaniste, il caresse le rêve d'établir une encyclopédie universelle du vivant, en un siècle où l'heure est aux Lumières. Lorsqu'il a vent de l'histoire d'une jeune Africaine promise à l'esclavage et qui serait parvenue à s'évader, trouvant refuge quelque part aux confins de la terre sénégalaise, son voyage et son destin ba... continue