Books set in Mexico (52)

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Where the Air is Clear by Carlos Fuentes EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
"Where the Air Is Clear," Carlos Fuentes's first novel, is an unsparing portrayal of Mexico City's upper class. Departing from a traditional linear narrative, Fuentes overlays Mexican myths onto contemporary settings, showing that even the rich and powerful must succumb to the indomitable spirit of Mexico, which undermines all institutions and shapes all destinies. First published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in 1988, Dalkey Archive Press in 2004, now available again.


You Dreamed of Empires : A Novel by Álvaro Enrigue EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
“Short, strange, spiky and sublime… [Enrigue] is clearly a major talent.” – Dwight Garner, The New York Times From the visionary author of Sudden Death, a hallucinatory, revelatory, colonial revenge story. One morning in 1519, conquistador Hernán Cortés entered the city of Tenochtitlan – today's Mexico City. Later that day, he would meet the emperor Moctezuma in a collision of two worlds, two empires, two languages, two possible futures. Cortés was accompanied by his nine captains, his troops, and his two translators: Friar Aguilar, a taciturn, former slave, and Malinalli, a strategic, former ... continue