China flag Domestic fiction books from China

Recommended domestic fiction books (2)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into domestic fiction here are some domestic fiction books from China for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Must I Go by Yiyun Li EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / China flag China
Lilia Liska is eighty-one. She has shrewdly outlived three husbands, raised five children and seen the birth of seventeen grandchildren. Now she has turned her keen attention to a strange little book published by a vanity press- the diary of a long-forgotten man named Roland Bouley, with whom she once had a fleeting affair. Drawn into an obsession over this fragment of intimate history, Lilia begins to annotate the diary with her own, rather different version of events. Gradually she undercuts Roland's charming but arrogant voice with her sharply incisive and deeply moving commentary. She reve... continue


Thunderstorm : A Play by Cao Yu EN

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / China flag China
Thunderstorm, a four-act play by China's leading playwright Tsao Yu, has held the stage since it was first produced in 1933, and is a classic of 20th-century drama. Its wide human appeal has drawn audiences from every walk of life. The setting is the home of an industrialist in northern China, where a family has come together with the inexorable fatality of a Greek drama. This is a play of tensions, and in the 24 hours in which the action takes place, we watch these tensions mount as the climax swiftly approaches. The emotional conflicts and stresses, which Tsao Yu handles with remarkable fine... continue