Biography genre books (350)


Pecore nere : racconti by Gabriella Kuruvilla IT

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
A Roma la gente corre sempre, a Mogadiscio la gente non corre mai. Io sono una via di mezzo tra Roma e Mogadiscio: cammino a passo sostenuto. -- 4ème de couverture.


Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi EN

Rating: 4 (79 votes)
Country: Asia / Iran flag Iran
BEST SELLER • A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK • Wise, funny, and heartbreaking, Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi’s acclaimed graphic memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. “A wholly original achievement.... Satrapi evokes herself and her schoolmates coming of age in a world of protests and disappearances.... A stark, shocking impact.” —The New York Times: "The 50 Best Memoirs of the Past 50 Years" In powerful black-and-white comic strip images, Satrapi tells the coming-of-age story of her life in Tehran from ages six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah’s regim... continue


Pleidooi voor leven by Denis Mukwege NL

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Leven en werk van de Congolese gynaecoloog Denis Mukwege, Nobelprijswinnaar voor de Vrede 2018, die vrouwen behandelt die het slachtoffer zijn geweldadige verkrachtingen en genitale verminking.


Przemieszczenie by Margaryta Jakowenko PL

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Historia Darii Kowalenko Petrowej, która urodziła się w 1992 roku w Mariupolu, lecz w dzieciństwie wyemigrowała z rodzicami do Hiszpanii, to opowieść o współczesnej miłości, problemach ekonomicznych, rodzinie naznaczonej emigracją, a zarazem świadectwo pokolenia, które żyje w trwałym kryzysie. To także historia dwóch rozczarowań – Związkiem Radzieckim w XX wieku i społeczeństwem Zachodu w wieku XXI. U Margaryty Jakowenko, hiszpańskiej pisarki ukraińskiego pochodzenia, można odnaleźć ślady prozy Zadie Smith, tekstów Anne Carson czy reportaży Swietłany... continue


Rabbit-Proof Fence : The True Story of One of the Greatest Escapes of All Time by Doris Pilkington EN

0 Ratings
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Following an Australian government edict in 1931, black aboriginal children and children of mixed marriages were gathered up and taken to settlements to be institutionally assimilated. In Rabbit-Proof Fence, award-wining author Doris Pilkington traces the story of her mother, Molly, one of three young girls uprooted from their community in Southwestern Australia and taken to the Moore River Native Settlement. There, Molly and her relatives Gracie and Daisy were forbidden to speak their native language, forced to abandon their heritage, and taught to be culturally white. After regular stays in ... continue


Radio Congo : Signals of Hope from Africa's Deadliest War by Ben Rawlence EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
In this extraordinary debut – called ‘gripping’ by The Times of London – Ben Rawlence sets out to gather the news from a forgotten town deep in Congo’s ‘silent quarter’ where peace is finally being built after two decades of civil war and devastation. Ignoring the advice of locals, reporters, and mercenaries, he travels by foot, bike, and boat, introducing us to Colonel Ibrahim, a guerrilla turned army officer; Benjamin, the kindly father of the most terrifying Mai Mai warlord; the cousins Mohammed and Mohammed, young tin traders hoping to make their fortune; and talk show host Mama Christine,... continue


Radio Sarajevo by Tijan Sila DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
„Eine Jugend zwischen Blauhelmen und Bon Jovi. Tijan Sila erzählt rau, verletzlich, unverstellt.“ (Micky Beisenherz) Brutal ehrlich beschreibt er das Leben und Überleben im belagerten Sarajevo. „Dies ist die Geschichte meiner Kindheit und meines Kriegs.“ Als im April 1992 der Krieg beginnt, ist Tijan Sila nur zehn Jahre alt, doch bis heute kann er sich an den Geruch von gezündetem Sprengstoff erinnern. Während Sarajevo in Flammen steht, wird aus dem Jungen, der er damals war, ein junger Mann. Er streift durch die Ruinen der ausgebombten Stadt und sammelt Dinge, die von den Geflohenen und Gesto... continue


Rainhas da noite : As travestis que tinham São Paulo a seus pés by Chico Felitti PT

0 Ratings
Uma história impactante e envolvente das três travestis que comandaram o centro de São Paulo entre 1970 e 2010, do autor dos podcasts A mulher da casa abandonada e O Ateliê. Entre as décadas de 1970 e 2010, Jacqueline Welch, Andréa de Mayo e Cristiane Jordan comandaram o centro da cidade de São Paulo. Três pessoas T que passaram por mudanças políticas e sociais, sofreram e perpetuaram ameaças e violências diversas, abusos e crimes. Contudo, a história delas quase não aparece nos documentos oficiais. Não restam fotos de Jacqueline com suas "filhas" no bordel. Não há reportagens ou processos de ... continue


Raising Trump : Family Values from America's First Mother by Ivana Trump EN

0 Ratings
Ivana Trump reflects on her extraordinary life and the raising of her three children—Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka—and recounts the lessons she taught her children as they were growing up. As her former husband serves as the 45th President of the United States, his children have also been thrust into the media spotlight—but it is Ivana who raised them and proudly instilled in them what she believes to be the most important life lessons: loyalty, honesty, integrity, and drive. Raising Trump is a non-partisan, non-political book about motherhood, strength, and resilience. Though Ivana writes abou... continue

Reflections from Prison: 20 Years and 20 Days

Reflections from Prison: 20 Years and 20 Days by Shin Young-bok EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / South Korea flag South Korea
Reflections from Prison is the collected letters and essays written by renowned Korean thinker Shin Young-Bok during his 20 years and 20 days as a political prisoner on a life tariff under Korea's military dictatorships. The letters range from postcards, to tiny characters squeezed onto his daily ration of two sheets of toilet paper. The writings themselves are not overtly political since all the letters went through censorships Yet he does not hide the harshness of prison life at the rock bottom of society. They provide a window onto his personal suffering during imprisonment a life sentence,... continue