Romance genre books (275)


Tu nombre después de la lluvia by Victoria Álvarez ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Érase una vez en Irlanda... Corren los primeros días de enero de 1903 y el profesor Quills, un hombre sabio y triste, vuelve a su casa de Oxford después de asistir a unas conferencias en Londres; Oliver Saunders, joven y tímido, trabaja en su pequeño cuarto de Balliol College, rodeado de diccionarios y novelas góticas; Lionel Lennox, amante de la buena vida y de las faldas ligeras, está en Egipto, a punto de profanar la tumba de una princesa para llevarse una joya de inestimable valor. Poco tienen en común los tres amigos, excepto el in... continue


Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război by Camil Petrescu RO

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
La apariţie, în 1930, romanul lui Camil Petrescu, Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război, a surprins critica prin caracterul lui aparent neunitar. O poveste clasică de dragoste şi un jurnal de război, greu de legat între ele. Persoana întâi a naraţiunii nu părea suficientă pentru a fi citite împreună. Şi mai era ceva, impresia, nu chiar uşor de formulat, că nici gelozia, nici războiul nu aveau înfăţişarea cunoscută din alte romane ale vremii. Ceea ce critica n-avea cum să ştie încă era că, sub ochii ei, se petrecea o reformă a r... continue


Un Viejo Que Leia Novelas de Amor by Luis Sepulveda ES

0 Ratings
Antonio José Bolívar Proaño vive en El Idilio, un pueblo remoto en la región amazónica de los indios shuar (mal llamados jíbaros), y con ellos aprendió a conocer la Selva y sus leyes, a respetar a los animales y los indígenas que la pueblan, pero también a cazar el temible tigrillo como ningún blanco jamás pudo hacerlo. Un buen día decidió leer con pasión las novelas de amor -«del verdadero, del que hace sufrir»- que dos veces al año le lleva el dentista Rubicundo Loachamín para distraer las solitarias noches ecuatoriales de su incipiente vejez. En ellas intenta alejarse un poco de la fanfarro... continue


Una suerte pequeña by Claudia Piñeiro ES

0 Ratings
After twenty years, a woman returns to the suburban Argentina she had fled to escape a dreadful accident, a sense of guilt, and social condemnation, leaving her son behind. But the woman who returns is not the same: she doesn't look the same, her voice is different, she doesn't even have the same name. After two decades spent in the United States, this damaged woman has rebuilt her life. Will those who knew her even recognise her? Will he recognise her? Not fully understanding her own reasons for going back to the place where she once lived and raised a family, and that she had be... continue


Until You by Catharina Maura EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Netherlands flag Netherlands
Left without a job and evicted from the house she so carefully turned into a home, Aria is offered two choices: move back in with her brother... or take the job her brother's best friend offers her. Their lives weren't meant to collide - but everything changes when Grayson realizes that Aria is the mysterious woman behind a wildly popular vigilante platform. She's the woman he's been falling for online, the one whose coding skills outdo his, the one he's been trying to track down. It's her. And she's off-limits. 


Vălul pictat by William Somerset Maugham RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Frumoasa Kitty Fane este surprinsa cu alt barbat de sotul ei, un renumit medic bacteriolog pe care-l insoteste in China coloniala. Acesta o va lua cu el intr-o zona devastata de holera, unde medicul incearca sa combata efectele teribilei maladii. O calatorie in timpul careia tanara femeie se va confrunta cu aspecte ale vietii ce-i fusesera total necunoscute pana atunci, ajungand astfel sa se descopere pe sine insasi, dar si pe cel ce-i este tovaras de viata. Romanul a fost transpus cinematografic in 1934, Greta Garbo intruchipand‑o pe Kitty Fane. Noua ecranizare, din 2006, ii are in roluril... continue


Vanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Philippines flag Philippines
From the critically acclaimed author of Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune comes a new delightful novel about exploring all the magical possibilities of life in the most extraordinary city of all: Paris. Vanessa Yu never wanted to see people's fortunes—or misfortunes—in tealeaves. Ever since she can remember, Vanessa has been able to see people's fortunes at the bottom of their teacups. To avoid blurting out their fortunes, she converts to coffee, but somehow fortunes escape and find a way to complicate her life and the ones of those around her. To add to this plight, her romance life is s... continue


Veronika Decides to Die : A Novel of Redemption by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Twenty-four-year-old Veronika seems to have everything -- youth and beauty, boyfriends and a loving family, a fulfilling job. But something is missing in her life. So, one cold November morning, she takes a handful of sleeping pills expecting never to wake up. But she does -- at a mental hospital where she is told that she has only days to live. Inspired by events in Coelho's own life, Veronika Decides to Die questions the meaning of madness and celebrates individuals who do not fit into patterns society considers to be normal. Bold and illuminating, it is a dazzling portrait of a young woman ... continue


Welcome to Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Nigeria flag Nigeria
When army officer Chike Ameobi is ordered to kill innocent civilians, he knows that it is time to leave. As he travels towards Lagos, he becomes the leader of a new platoon, a band of runaways who share his desire for a better life. Their arrival in the city coincides with the eruption of a political scandal. The education minister, Chief Sandayo, has disappeared and is suspected of stealing millions of dollars from government funds. After an unexpected encounter with the Chief, Chike and his companions must make a choice. Ahmed Bakare, editor of the failing Nigerian Journal, is desperate for ... continue


Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE—The #1 New York Times bestselling worldwide sensation with more than 18 million copies sold, hailed by The New York Times Book Review as “a painfully beautiful first novel that is at once a murder mystery, a coming-of-age narrative and a celebration of nature.” For years, rumors of the “Marsh Girl” have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived fo... continue