Books set in Azerbaijan (6)

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Days in the Caucasus by Banine EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Azerbaijan flag Azerbaijan
A coming of age story and a portrait of a vanished world. It shows what it means to leave the past behind, yet how it haunts us.


El alambre no se percibía entre la hierba by Levon Kechoyan, Hovhannes Yeranyan ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Armenia flag Armenia
La caída de la Unión Soviética provocó un nuevo trazado en las geometrías de los pueblos del Cáucaso sur. Tras la independencia de la Tercera República de Armenia en 1991, sucede la guerra de Nagorno Karabagh, enclave de población armenia en territorio de Azerbaiján. Conflicto entre dos pueblos que no termina con el cese del fuego del año 1994. Dos gestualidades que no han alcanzado la paz y aun conviven en el límite de las amenazas. Con una prosa poética potente y reveladora, Levón Khechoyan y Hovhann&... continue


Los días del Cáucaso by Banine, ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Azerbaijan flag Azerbaijan
UNO DE LOS MÁS ORIGINALES, DIVERTIDOS Y TREPIDANTES LIBROS AUTOBIOGRÁFICOS DEL SIGLO XX. El elegante, irónico y conmovedor retrato de una mujer y una época extraordinarias. «Con una prosa exquisita y una gloriosa capacidad para captar lo absurdo y lo cómico ;incluso en medio de los más trágicos sucesos;, Banine nos ofrece el relato de su embriagadora y turbulenta juventud, desde las orillas del mar Caspio hasta París». The Spectator «Tan vívida e ingeniosamente nos revela la autora un mundo por completo desconocido que, apenas comienzas Los días del Cáucaso, ya te encuentras del todo absorto e... continue


Mobility by Lydia Kiesling EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Israel flag Israel
A propulsive novel about class, power, politics, and desire by the celebrated author of The Golden State. The year is 1998, the End of History. The Soviet Union is dissolved, the Cold War is over, and Bunny Glenn is an American teenager in Azerbaijan with her Foreign Service family. Through Bunny's eyes we watch global interests flock to the former Soviet Union during the rush for Caspian oil and pipeline access, hear rumbles of the expansion of the American security state and the buildup to the War on Terror. We follow Bunny from adolescence to middle age--from Azerbaijan to America--as the e... continue


Stone Dreams by Akram Aylisli EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Azerbaijan flag Azerbaijan
Amid ethnic violence, political corruption, and petty professional intrigue, an artist tries to live free of lies. Set during the last years of the Soviet Union, Stone Dreams tells the story of Azerbaijani actor Sadai Sadygly, who lands in a Baku hospital while trying to protect an elderly Armenian man from a gang of young Azerbaijanis. Something of a modern-day Don Quixote, Sadai has long battled the hatred and corruption he observes in contemporary Azerbaijani society. Wandering in and out of consciousness, he revisits his hometown, the ancient village of Aylis, where Christian Armenians and... continue


The Orphan Sky by Ella Leya EN

Rating: 4 (6 votes)
Country: Asia / Azerbaijan flag Azerbaijan
Leila, a young classical pianist, dreams of winning international competitions and bringing awards to her beloved country Azerbaijan. When she receives an assignment from her communist mentor to spy on a music shop suspected of traitorous Western influences, she is determined to prove her worth to the Party. When Leila meets Tahir, the painter who owns the music shop, his jazz recordings, abstract art, and subversive political opinions crack open the veneer of the world she's been living in. Now her comrades force her to make an impossible choice.