Books written by male authors (3779)


Little Family by Ishmael Beah EN

0 Ratings
From the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of A Long Way Gone. A powerful novel about young people living at the margins of society, struggling to replace the homes they have lost with the one they have created together. Hidden away from a harsh outside world, five young people have improvised a home in an abandoned airplane, a relic of their country’s tumultuous past. Elimane, the bookworm, is as street-smart as he is wise. Clever Khoudiemata maneuvers to keep the younger kids—athletic, pragmatic Ndevui, thoughtful Kpindi, and especially their newest member, Namsa—safe and fed. When Eliman... continue


Little Siberia by Antti Tuomainen EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Finland flag Finland
DIVThe arrival of a meteorite in a small Finnish town causes chaos and crime in this poignant, chilling and hilarious new thriller from the King of Helsinki Noir ***The Times BOOK OF THE YEAR*** ***Shortlisted for the CrimeFest Last Laugh Award*** ***Shortlisted for the CWA International Dagger*** 'With moral dilemmas, plenty of action, and the author's trademark mixture of humour and melancholy, this is Tuomainen's best yet' Guardian 'Scandinavia's answer to Carl Hiaasen delivers another hectically silly crime caper involving a military chaplain, a suicidal rally driver and a very expensive m... continue


Little Suns by Zakes Mda EN

0 Ratings
‘There are many suns,’ he said. ‘Each day has its own. Some are small, some are big. I’m named after the small ones.’ It is 1903. A lame and frail Malangana – ‘Little Suns’ – searches for his beloved Mthwakazi after many lonely years spent in Lesotho. Mthwakazi was the young woman he had fallen in love with twenty years earlier, before the assassination of Hamilton Hope ripped the two of them apart. Intertwined with Malangana’s story, is the account of Hope – a colonial magistrate who, in the late nineteenth century, was undermining the local kingdoms of the eastern Cape in order to bring them... continue


Lituma en los Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
En un campamento minero de las montañas del Perú, el cabo Lituma y su adjunto Tomás viven en un ambiente bárbaro y hostil, bajo la constante amenaza de los guerrilleros maoístas de Sendero Luminoso, y debatiéndose con misterios sin aclarar que los obsesionan, como ciertas desapariciones inexplicables; está también la historia íntima de estos personajes, sobre todo la de un antiguo amor de Tomás, que se va contando en forma de episodios intercalados como un contrapunto de recuerdos al drama colectivo. El aliento mítico de la narración, en la que se entrevén otras muchas siluetas enérgicamente t... continue


Llévame contigo by David Grossman ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Israel flag Israel
Una joven pareja que acaba de conocerse vive una apasionante aventura en las calles de Jerusalén. Asaf, un joven de dieciséis años, recibe el encargo de encontrar al dueño de un perro que vaga perdido por las calles de Jerusalén. En el transcurso de esta búsqueda su historia se confundirá con la de Tamar, una adolescente de corazón solitario que intenta salvar a su hermano del infierno de las drogas y de su entorno. Juntos recorren un camino en el que intentarán reconstruirse entre las ruinas de un mundo que se desmorona.


Lo bello y lo triste by Yasunari Kawabata ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
En esta novela Oki Toshio, escritor maduro, quiere encontrar a Otoko, a quien sedujo de adolescente. Los personajes laterales actúan influidos por los protagonistas, aunque sorprenden con autonomía. Como en una obra de teatro, lucen los protagonistas, con los personajes secundarios en las sombras; pero la luz es caprichosa, y el protagonismo cambia entre los actores, mientras bajo las calmas aguas de una acuarela japonesa, se esconde amenazante la tragedia.


Lobster by Guillaume Lecasble EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
'There was a Lobster-shaped hole in world literature which has now been filled by this remarkable work.' Nick Lezard in The Guardian Aboard the Titanic, Lobster watches Angelina devour his father, before being plucked out of the aquarium himself. Just as he is put in the boiling pot, the ship hits the iceberg and the pot is thrown to the floor. Lobster survives, with some changes: he finds himself sexually attracted not only to a human, but to the very human who ate his father. He gives her one life-changing orgasm before their tragic separation, following an ugly incident in one of the lifebo... continue


Lolita by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov RO

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Poveste a iubirii obsesive si blestemate a lui Humbert Humbert pentru nimfeta Dolores Haze, capodopera lui Vladimir Nabokov a fost, pe rind, carte interzisa, roman scandalos, obiect de cult, pentru a deveni apoi un roman clasic al secolului XX. Din cauza subiectului sau extrem de socant – pasiunea morbida a unui barbat matur pentru o fetita de doispre­zece ani –, romanul Lolita a fost respins de editori, fiind publicat in Statele Unite abia dupa aparitia sa in Franta. Construita pe schema mitologica a povestirilor cu fauni si nimfe, Lolita este insa, inainte de toate, un poem ... continue


Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov EN

Rating: 4 (10 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Awe and exhiliration--along with heartbreak and mordant wit--abound in Lolita, Nabokov's most famous and controversial novel, which tells the story of the aging Humbert Humbert's obsessive, devouring, and doomed passion for the nymphet Dolores Haze. Lolita is also the story of a hypercivilized European colliding with the cheerful barbarism of postwar America. Most of all, it is a meditation on love--love as outrage and hallucination, madness and transformation.