Books written by male authors (3574)


Meursault, contre-enquête by Kamel Daoud FR

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Algeria flag Algeria
Il est le frère de "l'Arabe" tué par un certain Meursault dont le crime est relaté dans un célèbre roman du XXe siècle. Soixante-dix ans après les faits, Haroun redonne un nom et une histoire à Moussa, mort par hasard sur une plage d'Alger trop ensoleillée. Soir après soir, dans un bar d'Oran, le vieillard rumine sa solitude, sa colère contre les hommes qui ont tant besoin d'un dieu, son désarroi face à un pays qui l'a déçu. Etranger parmi les siens, rage et frustration inentamées, il voudrait clore cette histoire et mourir enfin. Hommage en forme de contrepoint rendu à L'Etranger d'Albert Cam... continue


Mi gato Autícko by Bohumil Hrabal ES

0 Ratings
En su casa de Kersko, cerca de Praga, Hrabal se recluye para escribir y cuidar de sus gatos, entre los cuales su favorito es Autícko. Los gatos marcan el ritmo cotidiano con sus juegos, su deseo de retozar, el horario de sus comidas. Y Hrabal se entrega a ellos con una ternura excepcional. Pero cuando los gatos empiezan a reproducirse en exceso, el autor ya no tiene tiempo para trabajar ni para dormir. Se ve obligado entonces a tomar medidas para preservar un equilibrio en la colonia, y es cuando sufre y se odia a sí mismo, pues sabe que a pesar de su amor por estos gatitos debe ... continue


Mi lucha 1. La muerte del padre by Karl Ove Knausgård ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
Having left his first wife, Karl Ove Knausgaard moves to Stockholm, Sweden, where he leads a solitary existence. He strikes up a deep friendship with another exiled Norwegian, a Nietzschean intellectual and boxing fanatic named Geir. He also tracks down Linda, whom he met at a writers' workshop a few years earlier and who fascinated him deeply.


Micul prinţ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry RO

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
De 67 de ani, Micul prinţ v-a cucerit sufletele, devenind un mit care a captivat întreaga planetă. Un gen aparte, fiind în acelaşi timp şi poveste poetico-filosofică şi mit iniţiatic, cartea ne aduce în prim-plan valorile umane, responsabilitate şi legătură între oameni, toleranţă şi spirit de aventură. Este un titlu accesibil tuturor categoriilor de vârstă, o poveste simplă şi fermecătoare, spusă într-un limbaj simplu, dar plin de poezie. O poveste încântătoare despre copilărie, singurătate şi prietenie.


Midaq Alley by Naguib Mahfouz EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
Widely acclaimed as Naguib Mahfouz's best novel, Midaq Alley brings to life one of the hustling, teeming back alleys of Cairo in the 1940s. From Zaita the cripple-maker to Kirsha the hedonistic cafe owner, from Abbas the barber who mistakes greed for love to Hamida who sells her soul to escape the alley, from waiters and widows to politicians, pimps, and poets, the inhabitants of Midaq Alley vividly evoke Egypt's largest city as it teeters on the brink of change. Never has Nobel Prize-winner Mahfouz's talent for rich and luxurious storytelling been more evident than here, in his portrait of on... continue


Middlesex : A Novel by Jeffrey Eugenides EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Three generations of a Greek American family find themselves plagued by a mutant gene which causes bizarre side effects in the family's teenage girls.


Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie EN

Rating: 4 (9 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
The story of Saleem Sinal, born precisely at midnight, August 15, 1947, the moment India became independent. Saleem's life parallels the history of his nation.


Midsummer by Derek Walcott EN

0 Ratings
Most of the poems in this sequence of fifty where written in close succession during one summer in Trinidad. Their principle themes are the relationship of poetry to painting, the stasis of midsummer in the tropics, and the pull of the sea, family and friendship. Walcott records the experience of middle life - in reality and in memory or the imagination. On the publication of Derek Walcott's previous collection, The Fortunate Traveller, Blake Morrison wrote in the London Review of Books: ' The Forunate Traveller is an impressive collection that moves lucidly and at times brilliantly between ab... continue


Miedo by Stefan Zweig ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Irene Wagner lleva una vida acomodada y sin preocupaciones junto a su marido y sus dos hijos. Sin embargo, tras ocho años de matrimonio, los bailes, el teatro, la ópera y otras actividades sociales se le antojan predecibles y anodinas. Así, más por fantasía novelesca que por auténtico deseo, inicia una relación con un joven pianista. Pero pronto una mujer la descubre cuando sale del apartamento de su amante e Irene se ve obligada a ceder a un terrible chantaje. El terror de ser descubierta por su marido y de perder todo lo que posee y, ahora des... continue