Morocco flag Books from Morocco

48 popular moroccan books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Morocco. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Abduction by Anouar Benmalek EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
Drawn together by the tortured memory of a massacre years ago, a shared experience binds Mathieu, Tahar and Aziz, and has repercussions for Meriem and Chehra, Aziz's wife and daughter. Chehra is abducted, and the kidnapper's brutal demands and threats of violent torture turn this into a tense thriller. But how far will Aziz go to save his family?


All das zu verlieren by Leïla Slimani DE

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
»Die neue Stimme der französischen Literatur.« ZEITmagazin Kann man sich zu seinem Glück zwingen? Prix Goncourt-Preisträgerin Leïla Slimani erzählt von der Zerrissenheit einer Frau und schafft eine »moderne Madame Bovary« (Libération). Nach außen hin führt Adèle ein Leben, dem es an nichts fehlt. Sie arbeitet für eine Pariser Tageszeitung, ist unabhängig. Mit ihrem Ehemann, einem Chirurgen, und ihrem kleinen Sohn lebt sie in einem schicken Viertel, ganz in der Nähe von Montmartre. Sie reisen, sie fahren übers Wochenende ans Meer. Dennoch macht Adèle dieses Leben nicht glücklich. Gelangweilt ei... continue


Another Morocco by Abdellah Taїa EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
Tales of life in North Africa that flirt with strategies of revelation and concealment, by the first openly gay writer to be published in Morocco. Tangier is a possessed city, haunted by spirits of different faiths. When we have literature in our blood, in our souls, it's impossible not to be visited by them. —from Another Morocco In 2006, Abdellah Taïa returned to his native Morocco to promote the Moroccan release of his second book, Le rouge du tarbouche (The Red of the Fez). During this book tour, he was interviewed by a reporter for the French-Arab journal Tel Quel, who was intrigued by th... continue


Black Morocco: A History of Slavery, Race & Islam by Chouki El Hamel EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
Chronicles the experiences, identity, agency and achievements of enslaved black people in Morocco from the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century.


Blood Feast: The Complete Short Stories of Malika Moustadraf by Malika Moustadraf EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
An arabophone cult classic traces the impact of power, abuse, and illness on the body, by Morocco's foremost writer of life on the margins.


Canción dulce by Leïla Slimani ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
Myriam, madre de dos niños, decide reemprender su actividad laboral en un bufete de abogados a pesar de las reticencias de su marido. Tras un minucioso proceso de selección para encontrar una niñera, se deciden por Louise, que rápidamente conquista el corazón de los niños y se convierte en una figura imprescindible en el hogar. Pero poco a poco la trampa de la interdependencia va a convertirse en un drama.


Cette aveuglante absence de lumière : roman by Tahar Ben Jelloun FR

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
Avec ce roman, Tahar Ben Jelloun donne une interprétation littéraire de l'horreur et de l'oubli où furent tenus, dix-huit années durant, les prisonniers du bagne de Tazmamart, au Sud-Est du Maroc. Incarcérés après l'attentat manqué - et le massacre - de Skhirat en juillet 1971, les prisonniers de Tazmamart furent littéralement ensevelis dans le silence et dans l'obscurité, dans un lointain désert de sable. Enfermés, comme au temps de Louis XI, dans des cachots-tombeaux où nulle station debout n'était possible, ils vécurent dans sa plus inhumaine intensité la souffrance d'une mort vivante. Sur ... continue


De la boca del caballo sale la verdad by Meryem Alaoui ES

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
Meryem Alaoui nos ofrece una colorida panorámica de la vida cotidiana en un Marruecos popular donde cada uno se enfrenta a las dificultades y las supera a fuerza de vitalidad e ingenio. Yemía, a la que el destino guiado por decisiones desafortunadas llevó a ejercer la prostitución, vive sola en Casablanca con su hija. Mujer valiente y optimista, de carácter fuerte, describe sin tapujos y con humor el mundo que le ha tocado en suerte: al bruto de su amante, Chaiba; a Halima, la compañera depresiva que lee el Corán entre cliente y cliente; a Im... continue


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