Political genre books (272)


Kaffir Boy : The True Story Of A Black Youths Coming Of Age In Apartheid South Africa by Mark Mathabane EN

0 Ratings
A Black writer describes his childhood in South Africa under apartheid and recounts how Arthur Ashe and Stan Smith helped him leave for America on a tennis scholarship


Kamchatka by Marcelo Figueras EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
In 1976, a young boy flees Buenos Aires with his opposition-supporting family, renames himself after his hero Harry Houdini, and dedicates his time in exile to mastering his role model's escape artistry.


Kassandra by Christa Wolf DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Poland flag Poland
Kassandra, die äSeherinä, ist die schillerndste Frauenfigur der griechischen Mythologie. Sie sagte dem übermächtigen Troja den Untergang voraus und musste ihre Prophezeiung mit dem Leben bezahlen.


Kaya Days by Carl de Souza EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
"Set in Mauritius during the uprising following the death of the Mauritian musician Kaya, Kaya Days tells the story of a young woman's daylong search for her younger brother who has gone missing"--


La llamada: Un retrato by Leila Guerriero ES

0 Ratings
Esta es una historia real, llena de aristas y sombras, sobre la condición humana. A fines de los sesenta, con trece años, la argentina Silvia Labayru era una adolescente tímida, lectora, amante de los animales, entusiasta de John F. Kennedy, hija de una familia de militares que incluía a su padre, miembro de la Fuerza Aérea y piloto civil. A esa edad ingresó en el Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires, una institución pública de gran prestigio, donde entró en contacto con agrupaciones estudiantiles de izquierda y se transformó en una militante aguerrida. En marzo de 1976 se produjo en la Argentina un ... continue


Lajja by Taslima Nasrin EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Bangladesh flag Bangladesh
The Dattas have lived in Bangladesh all their lives. Despite being members of a small Hindu community, they refuse to leave the country. And then, on 6 December 1992, the Babri Masjid at Ayodhya is demolished by a mob of Hindu fundamentalists. The nightmare inevitably arrives at the Dattas' doorstep, and their world begins to fall apart.


Les jardins du roi : Oufkir, Hassan II et nous by Fatéma Oufkir FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
En 1991, Fatéma Oufkir et ses enfants recouvrent la liberté, après dix-neuf ans d'une détention inique. Leur crime ? Avoir eu pour mari et pour père le général Oufkir, ministre de l'Intérieur marocain, " suicidé " en 1972 à l'issue d'un putsch manqué contre le roi Hassan Il. Un destin qu'était loin d'imaginer l'adolescente Fatéma, lorsque, dans les années 50, ce jeune Officier, farouche partisan de l'indépendance, la demanda en mariage. Après l'accession au trône de Mohammed V, Fatéma devient l'une des personnalités choyées de la cour, en tant qu'épouse d'un des plus grands serviteurs de l'Eta... continue


Letters from Burma by Aung San Suu Kyi EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Myanmar flag Myanmar
Letters from Burma - an unforgettable collection from the Nobel Peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi In these astonishing letters, Aung San Suu Kyi reaches out beyond Burma's borders to paint for her readers a vivid and poignant picture of her native land. Here she celebrates the courageous army officers, academics, actors and everyday people who have supported the National League for Democracy, often at great risk to their own lives. She reveals the impact of political decisions on the people of Burma, from the terrible cost to the children of imprisoned dissidents - allowed to see their paren... continue