Mystery genre books (462)


Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Sheldon Horowitz - 82 years old, impatient, and unreasonable - is staying with his granddaughter's family in Norway when he disappears with a stranger's child. Sheldon is an ex-Marine, and he feels responsible for his son's death in Vietnam. Recently widowed and bereft, he talks to the ghosts of his past constantly. To Norway's cops, Sheldon is just an old man who is coming undone at the end of a long and hard life. But Sheldon is clear in his own mind. He'd heard the boy's eastern European mother being murdered, and he's determined to protect the child from the killer and his Balkan gang. Wit... continue


Now You See Us by Balli Kaur Jaswal EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Asia / Singapore flag Singapore
We are invisible: we clean your houses, we look after your children, we know your secrets. But now you know one of ours...


O Mistério do 5 Estrelas by Marcos Rey PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
O que você faria se visse um cadáver embaixo de uma cama? Léo, mensageiro do Emperor Park Hotel, um cinco estrelas que hospeda muita gente poderosa,viu um no quarto 222. Leo desceu para o saguão desejando que ninguém o chamasse. Precisava contar ao Guima o que vira no 222. Ao abrir a boca e começar a investigar, passou a viver dias cheios de suspense e surpresas. Teve de vencer a paralisia do pesadelo para erguer os lençóis sobre o carrinho. Logo encontrou alguma resistência e viu uma mancha de sangue. Como um boneco de cera, as pernas dobradas, Leo viu o cadáver, o mesmo homem de cara de índi... continue


On the Savage Side by Tiffany McDaniel EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Six women - mothers, daughters, sisters - gone missing. Inspired by the unsolved murders of the Chillicothe Six, this is the story of two sisters, both of whom could be the next victims. Arcade and Daffodil are twin sisters born one minute apart. With their fiery red hair and thirst for an escape, they form an unbreakable bond nurtured by their grandmother's stories. Together they disappear into their imagination and forge a world where a patch of grass reveals an archaeologist's dig, the smoke emerging from the local paper mill becomes the dust rising from wild horses galloping deep beneath t... continue


Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
From the author of the beloved national bestseller Migrations, a pulse-pounding new novel about a woman who will do anything to save the wolves of Scotland, and her twin sister Inti Flynn has never believed in the story of the big bad wolf. She knows the truth: it is men who are the real monsters. Inti arrives in the Scottish Highlands to lead a team of scientists tasked with reintroducing wolves into the wild, fiercely determined that nothing will distract her. But at home in her new cottage, where her traumatized twin sister Aggie barely leaves her bed, Inti can’t help but remember the painf... continue


Overkill by Vanda Symon EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
First published in New Zealand by Penguin Books (NZ) in 2007.


Oxen. Das erste Opfer by Jens Henrik Jensen DE

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Denmark flag Denmark
"Vorsicht: Gnadenlos fesselnd bis zum letzten Satz. EIn wahres Meisterwerk der Thrillerkunst!" Susann Fleischer, literaturmarkt.Info 11.09.2017


Oxen. Der dunkle Mann by Jens Henrik Jensen DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Denmark flag Denmark
iels Oxen, der traumatisierte Elitesoldat, ist untergetaucht. Um dem mächtigen Geheimbund ›Danehof‹ das Handwerk zu legen, hat er Museumsdirektor Malte Bulbjerg brisante Unterlagen zugespielt. Doch kurze Zeit später ist Bulbjerg tot – und ein weiterer Mord wird Oxen in die Schuhe geschoben. Ihm bleibt keine andere Wahl, als aus dem Untergrund heraus zu agieren. Als es der Geheimdienstmitarbeiterin Margrethe Franck gelingt, Oxen aufzuspüren, werden beide vom ›Danehof‹ in eine raffinierte Falle gelockt.


Oxen. Gefrorene Flammen (#3) by Jens Henrik Jensen DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Denmark flag Denmark
Niels Oxen und Margrethe Franck sind »gefrorene Flammen«: Um seinen Verfolgern zu entkommen, flieht der traumatisierte Elitesoldat auf die schwedischen Schären. Seine Mitstreiterin, die ehemalige Geheimdienstmitarbeiterin Margrethe Franck, hält sich mit Aushilfsjobs über Wasser. Beide wurden vom Geheimbund Danehof zur Tatenlosigkeit verurteilt – doch innerlich brennen sie weiter. Und schliesslich schlägt der Gejagte zurück: Oxen begibt sich auf einen gnadenlosen Rachefeldzug gegen die Killer des Danehof. Denn er will sein altes Leben zurück. Um jeden Preis.... continue