Poetry genre books (215)


Nomenclatures of Invisibility by Mahtem Shiferraw EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Eritrea flag Eritrea
Through a lens simultaneously historical and political, Mahtem Shiferraw attends to personal and collective experiences of migration, motherhood, and immigration's complicated notions of home. In Nomenclatures of Invisibility, Shiferraw calls us to carve out space for the multitudes of selves we carry when we migrate across boundaries of body, language, and state. Through a decolonial poetics, giving name to everything in her path from the Italian colonization of Eritrea (and failure to colonize Ethiopia) to her beloved eucalyptus tree, she blurs physical and temporal borders, paying homage to... continue


Noopiming : The Cure for White Ladies by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
"Noopiming is Anishinaabemowin for "in the bush," and the title is a response to English Canadian settler and author Susanna Moodie's 1852 memoir Roughing It in the Bush. Set in the same place as Moodie's colonial memoir, this genre-fluid novel is offered as a cure for Moodie's racist treatment of Mississauga Nishnaabeg in her writing. The giant Sabe meditates on the gifts and challenges of their recent sobriety. Migrating geese make a case for coordinated formation as a way to get out of "one's own cycling head." Racoons turn Bougie Kwe's Zen-garden pond into their personal urban spa. This is... continue


Novel and other poems by George Seferis EN

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Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
Often compared during his lifetime to T.S. Eliot, whose work he translated and introduced to Greece, George Seferis is noted for his spare, laconic, dense and allusive verse in the Modernist idiom of the first half of the twentieth century. At once intensely Greek and a cosmopolitan of his time (he was a career-diplomat as well as a poet), Seferis better than any other writer expresses the dilemma experienced by his countrymen then and now: how to be at once Greek and modern. The translations that make up this volume are the fruit of more than forty years, and many are published here for the ... continue


O Paraíso São Os Outros by Valter Hugo Mae PT

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
"O paraíso são os outros" de Valter Hugo Mãe, ganha nova edição pela Biblioteca Azul com ilustrações do autor inéditas no Brasil. "O paraíso são os outros", uma menina volta seu olhar pueril para os casais. Casais de pessoas e de animais, de homem e mulher, de mulher com mulher, de golfinhos e de pinguins. Uma menina a quem o amor intriga e fascina. Uma menina que ao imaginar a vida dos outros, sonha com a pessoa que um dia irá amar. Sua voz inocente toca tanto as crianças quanto os adultos. A nova edição desta obra do aclamado escritor português Valter Hugo Mãe traz ilustrações do autor e tex... continue


Oblivion and Stone : A Selection of Bolivian Poetry and Fiction by Sandra Reyes, John DuVal EN

0 Ratings
Editor Sandra Reyes has gathered a panoramic sampling of the work of twenty-three poets and eighteen fiction writers. Focusing predominantly on living practicing writers this anthology defines the current literary voice of Bolivia and gives us a distillation of the contemporary Bolivian consciousness.
Genre Poetry


Omeros by Derek Walcott EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
A poem of circular narrative design, titled with the Greek name for Homer, which simultaneously charts two currents of history: the visible history charted in events -- the tribal losses of the American Indian, the tragedy of African enslavement -- and the interior, unwritten epic fashioned from the suffering of the individual in exile.


On the Nature of Things by Lucretius, Martin Ferguson Smith (translator) EN

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Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
Martin Ferguson Smith's work on Lucretius is both well known and highly regarded. However, his 1969 translation of De Rerum Natura -- long out of print -- is virtually unknown. Readers will share our excitement in the discovery of this accurate and fluent prose rendering. For this edition, Professor Smith provides a revised translation, new Introduction, headnotes and bibliography. Martin Ferguson Smith is Professor of Classics Emeritus, Univ. of Durham, United Kingdom. Among his scholarly achievements are his revisions of the Rouse translation of De Rerum Natura for the Loeb Classical Library... continue


Paradise Lost by John Milton EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
John Milton's celebrated epic poem exploring the cosmological, moral and spiritual origins of man's existence A Penguin Classic In Paradise Lost Milton produced poem of epic scale, conjuring up a vast, awe-inspiring cosmos and ranging across huge tracts of space and time, populated by a memorable gallery of grotesques. And yet, in putting a charismatic Satan and naked, innocent Adam and Eve at the centre of this story, he also created an intensely human tragedy on the Fall of Man. Written when Milton was in his fifties - blind, bitterly disappointed by the Restoration and in danger of executio... continue


Plumb by George Bacovia RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Bacovia cel adevărat e în poemele în care spiritul ”decadent” al simboliştilor francezi e absorbit de atmosfera apăsătoare şi sumbră a tristelor locuri unde nu s-a întâmplat nimic. El e întâiul mare poet al ”deznădejdii provinciale”, fără el n-ar fi de înţeles o întreagă literatură de după primul război. Bacovia reprezintă punctul cel mai înalt al simbolismului românesc, situându-se totodată, prin valoare, mai presus de simbolism şi de orice curent literar, în universalitate. Influenţa lui asupra po... continue