Read Around South America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in South America.

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Best books from South America (370)

La segunda venida de Hilda Bustamante by Salomé Esper ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Hilda Bustamante tiene 79 años y, como a todas las personas, un día le toca morir. Lo insólito es que un tiempo después Hilda revive en su tumba, logra romper el ataúd y, sin entender bien lo que le está pasando, regresa a su casa, para conmoción de Álvaro, el amor de su vida, de Amelia, su adorada nieta adoptiva, y de las «chicas» de la iglesia, que siempre la consideraron una persona discretamente extraordinaria. Esta novela cuenta la historia de Hilda y el pequeño y maravilloso escándalo de su resurrección. Con una escritura de una economía exquisita, Salomé Esper nos sorprende por su domin... continue


Kill the Next One by Federico Axat EN

0 Ratings
An audacious psychological thriller where nothing is what it seems. Ted McKay had it all: a beautiful wife, two daughters, a high-paying job. But after being diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor he finds himself with a gun to his temple, ready to pull the trigger. Then the doorbell rings. A stranger makes him a proposition: why not kill two deserving men before dying? The first target is a criminal, and the second is a man with terminal cancer who, like Ted, wants to die. After executing these kills, Ted will become someone else's next target, like a kind of suicidal daisy chain. Ted understa... continue


A Perfect Cemetery by Federico Falco EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
The mountains of Argentina pulse with life in these disarming stories of people radically reinventing themselves--to find love and connection, to escape their pasts, to offer a way out of the banalities of sorrow and loss in the present.


Two Sherpas by Sebastián Martinez Daniell EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Mount Everest, and all it means to royalty, explorers, imperialists, and two sherpas, perched on a cliffside, waiting for a man on the ledge below to move.


Mona : A Novel by Pola Oloixarac EN

0 Ratings
From the critically acclaimed author of Savage Theories and Dark Constellations comes Pola Oloixarac’s Mona, where success as a "writer of color" proves to be a fresh hell for a young Latin American woman abroad. Mona, a Peruvian writer based in California, presents a tough and sardonic exterior: she likes drugs and cigarettes, has mysterious bruises on her neck, and pokes fun of American academic culture and its identity-fixation, of which she herself is a beneficiary: "In her role of overeducated Latina in the era of Trump, Mona experienced her serene captivity as a kind of freedom . . ." No... continue


Thirst : A Novel by Marina Yuszczuk EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Across two different time periods, two women confront fear, loneliness, mortality, and a haunting yearning that will not let them rest. A breakout, genre-blurring novel from one of the most exciting new voices of Latin America’s feminist Gothic. It is the twilight of Europe’s bloody bacchanals, of murder and feasting without end. In the nineteenth century, a vampire arrives from Europe to the coast of Buenos Aires and, for the second time in her life, watches as villages transform into a cosmopolitan city, one that will soon be ravaged by yellow fever. She must adapt, intermingle with humans, ... continue


All My Goodbyes by Mariana Dimopulos EN

0 Ratings
This highly acclaimed contemporary Argentinian novel is the first in Giramondo’s Literature of the South series, featuring innovative fiction and non-fiction by writers of the southern hemisphere. It is translated from the Spanish by Australian translator Alice Whitmore. All My Goodbyes is a novel told in overlapping vignettes, which follow the travels of a young Argentinian woman across Europe (Málaga, Madrid, Heidelberg, Berlin) and back to Argentina (Buenos Aires, Patagonia) as she flees from situation to situation, job to job, and relationship to relationship. Within the complexity of the ... continue


Het literatuurcongres : roman by César Aira NL

0 Ratings
César is een schrijver die door de wereldwijde economische malaise in financieel zwaar weer verkeert, daarnaast is hij ook nog eens een vermaard wetenschapper die vastbesloten is om heerser van de wereld te worden. Tijdens een bezoek aan het strand lost hij intuïtief een eeuwenoud raadsel op, vindt een piratenschat en wordt een zeer rijk man. Toch blijft zijn droom van wereldheerschappij op de eerste plaats staan. Hij woont een literatuurcongres bij om dicht bij de wereldberoemde Mexicaanse auteur Carlos Fuentes te komen, met hulp van wiens kloon hij hoopt zijn leger naar de overwinning te lei... continue


Imminence by Mariana Dimópulos EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
We're alone together, for the first time. I have to touch him now. I try stroking a foot, then a shoulder. But no current lifts in me, nothing pulls at my chest they way they said it would. A new mother holds her month-old son for the first time, but her body betrays her. Disoriented, she trails her taciturn partner around their plant-filled Buenos Aires apartment. Little by little, everything begins to unravel. Taking place over the course of an evening, Mariana Dímopulos's mesmerising novella shifts seamlessly between the present and the past. In this dreamlike space, made from overlapping v... continue


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