Short story genre books (304)


East of the West : A Country in Stories by Miroslav Penkov EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Collects stories inspired by the author's native Bulgaria, including the tales of a grandson who tries to buy Lenin's corpse on eBay for his grandfather and a boy who meets a cousin every five years on the river that divides their village.


El Llano in Flames by Juan Rulfo EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
For a writer so reserved in what he saw into print, Juan Rulfo has had a disproportional influence on writers of literature, in Spanish and beyond, on a par with Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel García Márquez. His single story collection, El Llano in flames, provides a pithy and moving expression of life in central and western Mexico in the decades following the Revolution. These stories have the quality of an oral testimony to harsh years and are delivered in a spare and exquisite voice. This new translation by Stephen Beechinor marks the first time this masterpiece of Latin American literature... continue


Elsewhere, Home by Leila Aboulela EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
Noveller. From the heat of Khartoum at the height of summer to the wintery streets of London, from the concrete high rises in the Gulf to the blustery coast in Aberdeen, this collection evokes the overlapping worlds of Africa, Britain and the Middle East

Eté utú (cuentos de tradición oral) : del por qué en África las cosas son lo que son

Eté utú (cuentos de tradición oral) : del por qué en África las cosas son lo que son by Agnès Agboton ES

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Benin flag Benin
Del continuo escarbar de las gallinas a la imposibilidad de que el sol y la luna convivan en el mismo cielo … Una selección de narraciones etiológicas africanas, por las que fluye un modo distinto de entender el mundo y la frágil espontaneidad de la tradición oral. Oscilando entre el África que la vio nacer y la Europa donde vive desde hace muchos años, Agnes Agboton tiende en sus libros (Na Miton. La mujer en los cuentos y leyendas africanas, 2004; Más allá del mar de arena, 2005 o Canciones del poblado y del exilio, 2006), cuent... continue


Every Man is a Race by Mia Couto EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
'A man's story is always badly told. That's because a person never stops being born. Nobody leads one sole life, we are all multiplied into different and ever-changeable men.' So it is with all the stories in this collection, which never make a definitive judgement on the individual life, but only suggest its possibilities. Set in Mozambique, the stories reflect the legacy of Portuguese colonialism and the tragedy of the subsequent civil war. Mia Couto's first collection, Voices Made Night, was described as 'lyrical', 'magical' and 'compassionate' by the reviewers, who were unanimous in identi... continue


Fair Play by Tove Jansson EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Finland flag Finland
'Fair Play' portrays a love between two older women, a writer and artist, as they work side-by-side in their Helsinki studios, travel together and share summers on a remote island.


Family Ties by Clarice Lispector EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Tells the stories of a fearful adolescent, an angry old woman, a dog's burial, a possessive mother and her son, a businessman's dinner, and a French explorer in Africa


Fever by Jean Marie Le Clezio EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
In these nine unforgettable and impressionistic 'tales of little madness', the Nobel Prize-winning author Le Clézio explores how the physical sensations we experience every day can be as strong as feelings of love or hate, with their power to bring chaos to our lives. In 'The Day that Beaumont became Acquainted with his Pain', a man with toothache spends the night seeking ways to disown his throbbing jaw; in 'Fever', Roch finds his mind transported by sunstroke; while in 'A Day of Old Age' little Joseph tries to comprehend the physical suffering of a dying old woman. Set in a timeless, spacele... continue


Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges ES

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
La primera parte, El jardin de senderos que se bifurcan (1941), reune el relato policial del mismo nombre, dos notas sobre libros imaginarios: Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius Y Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain, y cuatro cuentos de indole fantastica: Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote, Las ruinas circulares, La loteria de Babel.En la segunda parte, Artificios (1944), se incluyen, entre otros, La muerte y la brujula, de corte filosofico-policial; Funes el memorioso, metafora sobre el insomnio; Tema del traidor y d heroe, acerca de un mismo destino que pierde y que redime; y El Sur, cuento preferido d... continue