Cultural genre books (306)


Çalıkuşu by Reşat Nuri Güntekin TR

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
Reşat Nuri Güntekin'in 1922 yılında ilk kez Vakit gazetesinde tefrika edilen en tanınmış eseridir. Fransız Lisesi mezunu gencecik, delişmen bir kız olan Feride'nin serüveni yaşadığı derin bir hayal kırıklığı sonrasında nişanlısını, ailesini İstanbul'da bırakarak Anadolu'nun küçük bir köyüne öğretmen olmasıyla başlar. Daha sonra bu köyü diğer kasabalar, şehirler izler. Önceleri her gittiği yerde Kurtuluş Savaşı'nın etkileri görülür, güç koşulların, sefaletin izlerine rastlanır. Sonraları... continue


Cancer Ward by Aleksandr Solzhenit︠s︡yn EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
One of the great allegorical masterpieces of world literature, Cancer Ward is both a deeply compassionate study of people facing terminal illness and a brilliant dissection of the "cancerous" Soviet police state.


Capitães do Brasil by Eduardo Bueno PT

0 Ratings
No terceiro volume da sua provocadora série que conta a história do Brasil colônia, Eduardo Bueno foca no período de 1530 a 1550 para nos revelar quem foram esses homens, as aventuras e tragédias de suas vidas, e como ajudaram a moldar a experiência brasileira. Podemos ver o tamanho da missão conferida, as razões do fracasso do modelo de capitanias hereditárias (com a exceção do êxito das capitanias de Pernambuco e São Vicente) e, também, a origem de chagas que assolam o país ainda hoje, como o clientelismo, o latifúndio improdutivo e a falta de um projeto coletivo e inclusivo.


Chalo Jahaji : On a Journey Through Indenture in Fiji by Brij V. Lal EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Oceania / Fiji flag Fiji
Indians of the indentured diaspora have a remarkable lot in common. Meeting as 'foreign' students in India, the girmitiya descendants from Guyana, Mauritius, Fiji and Natal immediately develop a close bonding because of their use of common words, similarity of names, culinary preferences and transported texts. In similar manner, when Brij Lal visited Trinidad in 1998, both his physical as well as his spiritual being enabled him to blend immediately with his Bhojpuri brethren in Chinidad Tapu. His book, Chalo Jahaji, focusses ostensibly on the girmit experience in Fiji. It seeks to tell the sto... continue


Chilco: A Novel by Daniela Catrileo EN

0 Ratings
A near-future fable about love, life, and friendship in a world that’s coming apart. Chilco is the name of Pascale’s home island. It is also the Mapudungun word for fuchsia: a word that evokes tropical lushness, wetness, the deep greenness of the forest. Pascale's partner, Marina, grew up in the vertical slums of Capital City, a place scarred by centuries of colonialism and now the ravages of feckless developers. Every day the two women fear a sinkhole will open up and take with it another poor neighborhood, another raft of desperate refugees from the hinterlands: the indigenous, the poor, who... continue


China Witness : Voices from a Silent Generation by Xinran EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / China flag China
In 1912, 5000 years of feudal rule ended in China. In 1949, Mao Zedong came to power. This book is a personal testimony from a normally silent generation, a huge major work of oral history which sums up, in their own words, the vast changes which have overtaken China and its people over a century.


Chiquinho : A Novel of Cabo Verde by Baltasar Lopes da Silva EN

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Cape Verde flag Cape Verde
Originally published in Portuguese in 1947, Baltazar Lopes's Chiquinho offers a rich and compelling exploration of Cabo Verde's unique identity. Tracing the arc of its young protagonist's life as he approaches adulthood, the novel follows Chiquinho as he leaves his village, journeys to São Vicente Island to further his education, returns home as drought and famine strike the archipelago, and makes the difficult decision to join his father in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Reflecting the challenges faced by the Creole intellectuals of the so-called Claridade generation, this long-overdue English t... continue


Crossing the River by Caryl Phillips EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Shortlisted for the Booker Prize Winner of the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction Caryl Phillips' ambitious and powerful novel spans two hundred and fifty years of the African diaspora. It tracks two brothers and a sister on their separate journeys through different epochs and continents- one as a missionary to Liberia in the 1830s, one a pioneer on a wagon trail to the American West later that century, and one a GI posted to a Yorkshire village in the Second World War. 'Epic and frequently astonishing' The Times 'Its resonance continues to deepen' New York Times


Culture and Imperialism by Edward W. Said EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Palestine flag Palestine
A landmark work from the author of Orientalism that explores the long-overlooked connections between the Western imperial endeavor and the culture that both reflected and reinforced it. "Grandly conceived . . . urgently written and urgently needed. . . . No one studying the relations between the metropolitan West and the decolonizing world can ignore Mr. Said's work.' --The New York Times Book Review In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as the Western powers built empires that stretched from Australia to the West Indies, Western artists created masterpieces ranging from Mansfield P... continue