Fantasy genre books (526)


Luka and the Fire of Life : A Novel by Salman Rushdie EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
“You’ve reached the age at which people in this family cross the border into the magical world. It’s your turn for an adventure—yes, it’s finally here!” So says Haroun to his younger brother, twelve-year-old Luka. The adventure begins one beautiful starry night in the land of Alifbay, when Luka’s father, Rashid, falls suddenly into a sleep so deep that nothing and no one can rouse him. To save him from slipping away entirely, Luka embarks on a journey through the world of magic with his loyal companions, Bear, the dog, and Dog, the bear. Together they encounter a slew of fantastical creatures,... continue


Macunaíma by Mário de Andrade ES

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Este libro, hecho Para la cr tica, re ne lecturas contempor neas y originales. Sit a e interpreta la obra de este escritor brasile o a trav s de ensayos de grandes investigadores como: Darcy Ribeiro, Alfredo Bosi, Silviano Santiago, Ra l Antelo, Eneida Mar a de Souza, Haroldo de Campos, H ctor Olea y Pierre Rivas, entre otros. Se incluye en esta edici n un dossier de fotograf as sobre el autor, una cronolog a y una bibliograf a comentada.


Malpertuis by Jean Rey EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
The prison-like edifice of a mysterious ancient townhouse and the gloom-laden landscape of Flanders form the backdrop to this intense, unrelenting, but beautifully crafted fantasy by Belgian author Jean Ray. What ghastly message is the slowly dying Cassave (played by Orson Welles in the screen adaptation) trying to bring us? MALPERTIUS is considered one of the greatest Gothic novels ever written.


Manu by Kelly Fernández EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Set at a magical school for girls, a funny and heartwarming middle-grade graphic novel adventure about friendship, defying expectations, and finding your place. Manu and her best friend, Josefina, live at a magical school for girls, and Manu is always getting into trouble. The headmistress believes that Manu has the potential to help people with her magic, but Manu would rather have fun than fall in line. One day, a prank goes seriously wrong, and Josefina gets angry and wishes for Manu's magic to disappear... and it does. Manu uses a dangerous spell to restore it, but it makes her magic too p... continue


Mary Poppins by Pamela Lyndon Travers EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
The adventures of Mary Poppins, the unusual governess whose remarkable powers transform the lives of the Banks family.


Memory of Water : A Novel by Emmi Itäranta EN

Rating: 4 (6 votes)
Country: Europe / Finland flag Finland
An amazing, award-winning speculative fiction debut novel by a major new talent, in the vein of Ursula K. Le Guin. Global warming has changed the world’s geography and its politics. Wars are waged over water, and China rules Europe, including the Scandinavian Union, which is occupied by the power state of New Qian. In this far north place, seventeen-year-old Noria Kaitio is learning to become a tea master like her father, a position that holds great responsibility and great secrets. Tea masters alone know the location of hidden water sources, including the natural spring that Noria’s father te... continue


Metropole by Ferenc Karinthy EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Hungary flag Hungary
A haunting Hungarian novel, and a vision of hell unlike any previously imagined.


Micul prinţ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry RO

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
De 67 de ani, Micul prinţ v-a cucerit sufletele, devenind un mit care a captivat întreaga planetă. Un gen aparte, fiind în acelaşi timp şi poveste poetico-filosofică şi mit iniţiatic, cartea ne aduce în prim-plan valorile umane, responsabilitate şi legătură între oameni, toleranţă şi spirit de aventură. Este un titlu accesibil tuturor categoriilor de vârstă, o poveste simplă şi fermecătoare, spusă într-un limbaj simplu, dar plin de poezie. O poveste încântătoare despre copilărie, singurătate şi prietenie.