Romance genre books (451)

De saffierweduwe

De saffierweduwe by Dinah Jefferies NL

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Malaysia flag Malaysia
Ceylon, 1935. Louisa Reeve en haar man Elliot lijken een stel te zijn dat alles heeft; zij is de dochter van een succesvolle Britse juwelier, hij een charmante zakenman vol levenslust. Maar hun allergrootste verlangen mist: een kind. Terwijl Louisa met miskramen worstelt, trekt Elliot zich terug en brengt hij steeds meer tijd door op een nabijgelegen kaneelplantage met uitzicht op de Indische Oceaan. Wanneer hij plots sterft moet Louisa het mysterie dat hij achterlaat alleen oplossen. Bij het bezoeken van de plantage voelt zij zich onverwacht aangetrokken tot eigenaar Leo, een ruige man met ee... continue


Devilry by Marley Valentine EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Attending King University was at the top of my bucket list. Falling in love with my Professor wasn't. Earning a full scholarship to King University was my hard earned ticket out of hell. I'm happy to be away from the small town I grew up in and all the equally small minded people who live there. King was going to be my safe haven. A place where I could leave the old me behind and finally grow into the young man my family had desperately tried to hide away. Diving head first into new experiences, new friends, and parties, I didn't expect to run straight into the one thing I wasn't ready for. Hi... continue


Dial a for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto EN

Rating: 4 (14 votes)
Country: Asia / Indonesia flag Indonesia
"Sutanto brilliantly infuses comedy and culture into the unpredictable rom-com/murder mystery mashup as Meddy navigates familial duty, possible arrest and a groomzilla. I laughed out loud and you will too.”—USA Today (four-star review) “A hilarious, heartfelt romp of a novel about—what else?—accidental murder and the bond of family. This book had me laughing aloud within its first five pages… Utterly clever, deeply funny, and altogether charming, this book is sure to be one of the best of the year!”—Emily Henry, New York Times bestselling author of Beach Read One of NPR's Best Books of 2021! O... continue


Die Leiden des jungen Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Dieser Brief-Roman war eine Sensation. Mit ihm wurde der 25-jährige Johann Wolfgang Goethe endgültig zum Star der Literaturszene. Eine ganze Generation, die individuelles Glück jenseits gesellschaftlicher Beschränkungen suchte, fand sich im Schicksal des unglücklichen Werther wieder – der am Ende zum Selbstmörder wird, weil seine schwärmerische Liebe in dieser prosaischen Welt unerfüllt bleiben muss.


Din vârful degetelor by Sarah Waters RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Sue Trinder este o orfana crescuta in cel mai rau famat cartier al Londrei. Cind Domnu, un escroc prieten de-al casei, ii face o propunere avantajoasa, Sue hotaraste sa conforme asteptarile celor care au ocrotit-o: nu trebuie decit sa cistige increderea unei domnisoare naive dintr-un conac de la tara si sa il ajute pe Domnu s-o cucereasca si sa puna mina pe averea ei. Dar dupa ce Sue ajunge sa o cunoasca pe victima inselaciunii planuite, evenimentele iau o turnura neasteptata... Un roman dickensian, plin de suspans si de rasturnari spectaculoase.


Djamila by Tschingis Aitmatow DE

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Kyrgyzstan flag Kyrgyzstan
Louis Aragon schrieb über das Buch: Ich schwöre es, es ist die schönste Liebesgeschichte der Welt.


Doamna Bovary by Gustave Flaubert RO

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Madame Bovary is the debut novel of French writer Gustave Flaubert, published in 1856. The character lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. When the novel was first serialized in La Revue de Paris between 1 October 1856 and 15 December 1856, public prosecutors attacked the novel for obscenity. The resulting trial in January 1857 made the story notorious. After Flaubert's acquittal on 7 February 1857, Madame Bovary became a bestseller in April 1857 when it was published in two volumes. A seminal work of literary realism, the novel is now ... continue