Magical realism genre books (215)


Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel EN

Rating: 3 (15 votes)
The Number One Bestseller In Mexico And America For Almost Two Years, And Subsequently A Bestseller Around The World, Like Water For Chocolate Is A Romantic, Poignant Tale, Touched With Moments Of Magic, Graphic Earthiness, Bittersweet Wit - And Recipes.A Sumptuous Feast Of A Novel, It Relates The Bizarre History Of The All-Female De La Garza Family. Tita, The Youngest Daughter Of The House, Has Been Forbidden To Marry, Condemned By Mexican Tradition To Look After Her Mother Until She Dies. But Tita Falls In Love With Pedro, And He Is Seduced By The Magical Food She Cooks. In Desperation Pedro... continue


Lonely Castle in the Mirror by Mizuki Tsujimura EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
"How can you save your friend's life if she doesn't want to be rescued? In a tranquil neighbourhood of Tokyo, seven teenagers wake to find the mirrors in their bedrooms are shining. At a single touch, they are pulled from their lonely lives into to a wondrous castle filled with winding stairways, watchful portraits and twinkling chandeliers. In this new sanctuary, they are confronted with a set of clues leading to a hidden room where one of them will be granted a wish. But there's a catch -- if they don't leave by five o'clock, they will die. As time passes, a devastating truth emerges -- only... continue


Los Transparentes by Ondjaki ES

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Esta novela traza un colorido retrato de los habitantes de la capital angolena, Luanda, y sus numerosas historias individuales. Odonato esta harto de ver tanto sufrimiento en derredor y se vuelve tan liviano que su mujer debe atarlo para impedir que escape flotando. En el edificio donde vive, el y sus vecinos se ayudan entre si, porque todos saben que cada uno lleva sus propias batallas a cuestas. Entre carteros celosos de su deber, vendedores que trafican con ilusiones, ministros que se topan por error con la miseria, inspectores que promueven negociones clandestinos, mujeres que multiplican ... continue


Macunaíma by Mário de Andrade ES

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Este libro, hecho Para la cr tica, re ne lecturas contempor neas y originales. Sit a e interpreta la obra de este escritor brasile o a trav s de ensayos de grandes investigadores como: Darcy Ribeiro, Alfredo Bosi, Silviano Santiago, Ra l Antelo, Eneida Mar a de Souza, Haroldo de Campos, H ctor Olea y Pierre Rivas, entre otros. Se incluye en esta edici n un dossier de fotograf as sobre el autor, una cronolog a y una bibliograf a comentada.


Masks by Fumiko Enchi EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
Published for the first time in the UK, one of Japan's greatest modern female writers Ibuki loves widow Yasuko who is young, charming and sparkling with intelligence as well as beauty. His friend, Mikamé, desires her too but that is not the difficulty. What troubles Ibuki is the curious bond that has grown between Yasuko and her mother-in-law, Mieko, a handsome, cultivated yet jealous woman in her fifties, who is manipulating the relationship between Yasuko and the two men who love her.


Meister und Margarita by Michail Bulgakow DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Ohne Frage: Michail Bulgakows Meister und Margarita ist Kult! Schon als der Roman – 26 Jahre nach dem Tod des Autors – stark zensiert erstmals in den 60er Jahren erschien, lernten viele seiner Landsleute ihn auswendig; heimlich angefertigte Kopien der herausgestrichenen Stellen kursierten und die verhexte Wohnung Nr. 50 in der Sadowaja – der zentrale Handlungsort des Romans, von dem aus der Teufel namens Woland, der Riesenkater Behemoth und viele andere die Stadt Moskau auf den Kopf stellen – wurde zur Pilgerstätte. Und bis heute ist die Zahl der Verehrer für ... continue


Memoirs of a Porcupine by Alain Mabanckou EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
After an ancient initiation, a young Congolese boy is given an animal double in the form of a porcupine and the pair begin an inexplicable streak of murders until the porcupine quits and decides to pen a literary confession. Original.


Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie EN

Rating: 4 (8 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
The story of Saleem Sinal, born precisely at midnight, August 15, 1947, the moment India became independent. Saleem's life parallels the history of his nation.