Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2669)

La "Flor de Lis" by Elena Poniatowska ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Mariana, la narradora de esta novela, es una duquesa cuyos primeros años transcurren en Francia entre valets, mayordomos y vajillas con monograma. Esa existencia encantada toca a su brusco fin con la segunda guerra mundial: el duque, su padre, se va al frente, y la narradora, junto con su hermana y su madre, escapa a México, país del que hasta ahora nada sabía y que se convertirá, en todos sentidos, en su patria. Poco a poco, Mariana va dando los muchísimos pasos que la llevarán a entender lo que son su vieja clase y su nuevo país. En ese proceso interviene el segundo personaje fascinante de e... continue


Victoire : My Mother's Mother by Maryse Condé EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
The critically acclaimed, award-winning author of the classic historical novel Segu, Maryse Condé has pieced together the life of her maternal grandmother to create a moving and profound novel. Maryse Condé's personal journey of discovery and revelation becomes ours as we learn of Victoire, her white-skinned mestiza grandmother who worked as a cook for the Walbergs, a family of white Creoles, in the French Antilles. Using her formidable skills as a storyteller, Condé describes her grandmother as having "Australian whiteness for the color of her skin...She jarred with my world of women in Itali... continue


La anomalia by Hervé Le Tellier ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
¿Cómo reaccionaría la sociedad frente a lo inexplicable? El 10 de marzo de 2021 los doscientos cuarenta y tres pasajeros de un avión procedente de Paris aterrizan en Nueva York después de pasar por una terrible tormenta. Ya en tierra, cada uno sigue con su vida. Tres meses más tarde, y contra toda lógica, un avión idéntico, con los mismos pasajeros y el mismo equipo a bordo, aparece en el cielo de Nueva York. Nadie se explica este increíble fenómeno que va a desatar una crisis política, mediática y cien... continue


I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem by Maryse Condé EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
CARAF Books: Caribbean and African Literature Translated from FrenchThis book has been supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agencY


Strait is the Gate by André Gide EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Jerome Palissier, a delicate boy, spends many summers at his uncle's house in Normandy, where the whole world seems steeped in azure. There he falls deeply in love with his cousin Alissa and she with him. But gradually Alissa becomes convinced that Jerome's love for her is endangering his soul.


Eugenie Grandet : Mit Einem Essay Von Wolfgang Koeppen by Honoré de Balzac EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
One of the earliest and most famous novels in Balzac's great Comédie Humaine, Eugénie Grandet (1833) is a story of family conflict, unrequited love and self-sacrifice set against the aftermath of the French Revolution.


The Blood of Others by Simone de Beauvoir EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Jean Blomart, a French resistance leader against the German forces of occupation, waits throughout an endless night for his wounded lover to die.


Vălul pictat by William Somerset Maugham RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Frumoasa Kitty Fane este surprinsa cu alt barbat de sotul ei, un renumit medic bacteriolog pe care-l insoteste in China coloniala. Acesta o va lua cu el intr-o zona devastata de holera, unde medicul incearca sa combata efectele teribilei maladii. O calatorie in timpul careia tanara femeie se va confrunta cu aspecte ale vietii ce-i fusesera total necunoscute pana atunci, ajungand astfel sa se descopere pe sine insasi, dar si pe cel ce-i este tovaras de viata. Romanul a fost transpus cinematografic in 1934, Greta Garbo intruchipand‑o pe Kitty Fane. Noua ecranizare, din 2006, ii are in roluril... continue


Micul prinţ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry RO

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
De 67 de ani, Micul prinţ v-a cucerit sufletele, devenind un mit care a captivat întreaga planetă. Un gen aparte, fiind în acelaşi timp şi poveste poetico-filosofică şi mit iniţiatic, cartea ne aduce în prim-plan valorile umane, responsabilitate şi legătură între oameni, toleranţă şi spirit de aventură. Este un titlu accesibil tuturor categoriilor de vârstă, o poveste simplă şi fermecătoare, spusă într-un limbaj simplu, dar plin de poezie. O poveste încântătoare despre copilărie, singurătate şi prietenie.