Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (1772)

El maestro del Juicio Final by Leo Perutz ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Viena, 1909. Cuando aparece el cadáver del célebre actor Bischoff, que aparentemente se ha suicidado, todas las sospechas recaen sobre un oficial del ejército enamorado de la mujer del difunto, el barón Von Yocsch, como inductor de la muerte, pese a que este clama desesperadamente su inocencia. La sucesión de nuevos suicidios cada vez más enigmáticos que se producen en los siguientes días llevan a una indagación detectivesca que se remontará varios siglos para descubrir el origen maléfico de tan macabra epidemia... Esta deslumbrante joya literaria, que fusiona la literatura policiaca y la fant... continue


Sophie Scholl and the White Rose by Annette Dumbach, Jud Newborn EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belarus flag Belarus
A SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION TO COMMEMORATE 80 YEARS SINCE THE EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS OF 1943 Sophie Scholl and the White Rose tells the gripping true story of five Munich university students who set up an underground resistance movement in World War II. The thrilling story of their courage and defiance, brought to life in the Oscar-nominated film Sophie Scholl - The Final Days, is beautifully told in this special 80th anniversary edition of Annette Dumbach & Jud Newborn's critically acclaimed work. Acclaim for Sophie Scholl and the White Rose: 'The animated narrative reads like a suspense nove... continue


Wave of Terror : A Novel by Theodore Odrach, Emma Odrach, T.F. Rigelhof EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belarus flag Belarus
This novel is a major literary discovery, and Odrach is drawing favorable comparisons with such eminent writers as Chekhov and Solzhenitsyn. Odrach wrote in Ukrainian, while living an exile's life in Toronto. This remarkable book is a microcosm of Soviet history, and Odrach provides a first-hand account of events during the Stalinist era that newsreels never covered. It has special value as a sensitive and realistic portrait of the times, while capturing the internal drama of the characters with psychological concision. Odrach creates a powerful and moving picture, and manages to show what lif... continue

Pack of Wolves

Pack of Wolves by Vasil Bykov EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belarus flag Belarus


Down Among the Fishes by Natalka Babina EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belarus flag Belarus
A crime story with elements of magic realism, 'Down among fishes' revolves around the story of Alka, a woman whose unfulfilled desire to have a child turns her into an alcoholic and drug addict. In her search for the roots of a family tragedy, Alka stumbles on family records that set her off on a treasure hunt ...


Sergeant Bertrand by Aleksandr Skorobogatov NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belarus flag Belarus
Zijn vrouw staat avond na avond op het toneel. Het publiek gaapt haar smachtend aan, de gluiperige regisseur dringt zich achter de coulissen op – het is geen wonder dat Nikolaj geteisterd wordt door een allesverslindende jaloezie. Zijn trouwe raadgever, de mysterieuze Sergeant Bertrand, toont hem een uitvlucht uit zijn voortdurende zorgen. Nikolaj blijkt algauw in staat tot daden die hij eerder niet voor mogelijk hield. In Sergeant Bertrand weeft de auteur een web van intriges en dringt hij door tot de kern van de menselijke zelfbescherming. Wat is waarheid, en wat verzinnen we voor o... continue