Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2884)

Bottled Goods by Sophie van Llewyn EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
When Alina's brother-in-law defects to the West, she and her husband become persons of interest to the secret services, causing both of their careers to come grinding to a halt. As the strain takes its toll on their marriage, Alina turns to her aunt for help the wife of a communist leader and a secret practitioner of the old folk ways. Set in 1970s communist Romania, Sophie van Llewyn's novella-in-flash draws upon magic realism to weave a tale of everyday troubles, that cant be put down.


Dicționar de lagăr by Oliver Lustig RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
A personal testimony of life and death in the Nazi concentration and extermination camps (Birkenau, Kaufering, Landsberg, etc.) in the form of a dictionary of terms specific to the camps and the mass murder of the Jews. also recalls Jewish attempts to resist, such as the Sonderkommando revolt in Birkenau in 1944.


Dawn : A Novel by Elie Wiesel EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Deals with the conflicts and thoughts of a young Jewish concentration-camp veteran as he prepares to assassinate a British hostage in occupied Palestine.


Trenul de Trieste by Domnica Radulescu RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Mona, o adolescenta bucuresteana impulsiva, care evadeaza din Romania, se indragosteste de Mihai, un baiat din munti, Tineretea ei in Romania este un vartej de placeri senzuale, in ciuda fricii si dorintelor specifice unei vieti sub un regim comunist. Desi Mona se lupta cu politia secreta si cu lipsurile, amintirile ei despre placerile tineretii si ale dragostei sunt categoric vesele. Povestea Monei se intinde peste ani, pe masura ce isi construieste o viata americana, care este intotdeauna umbrita de viata pe care a lasat-o in spate.


Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război by Camil Petrescu RO

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
La apariţie, în 1930, romanul lui Camil Petrescu, Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război, a surprins critica prin caracterul lui aparent neunitar. O poveste clasică de dragoste şi un jurnal de război, greu de legat între ele. Persoana întâi a naraţiunii nu părea suficientă pentru a fi citite împreună. Şi mai era ceva, impresia, nu chiar uşor de formulat, că nici gelozia, nici războiul nu aveau înfăţişarea cunoscută din alte romane ale vremii. Ceea ce critica n-avea cum să ştie încă era că, sub ochii ei, se petrecea o reformă a r... continue


Enigma Otiliei by George Călinescu RO

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Tânărul Felix Sima vine de la Iaşi la tutorele său, Costache Giurgiuveanu, la Bucureşti, ca să înceapă cursurile Universităţii de Medicină. Aici o întâlneşte pe fiica acestuia, Otilia. Enigma Otiliei este, pe scurt, un roman puternic, impecabil construit, un roman auctorial cu un narator care ştie tot şi comentează cu mare volubilitate toate actele eroilor şi toate situaţiile prin care aceştia trec. Ştie chiar ce se află scris într-un plic înainte ca adresantul să-l deschidă... Naratorul călinescian este, apoi, informat în toate direcţiile, de la ar... continue


Solenoid by Mircea Cartarescu EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
"From Mircea Cărtărescu, author of Blinding: an existence (and eventually a cosmos) created by forking paths. Based on Cărtărescu's own experience as a high school teacher, Solenoid begins with the mundane details of a diarist's life and quickly spirals into a philosophical account of existence, history, philosophy, and mathematics. On a broad scale, the novel's investigations of other universes, dimensions, and timelines reconcile the realms of life and art. The novel is grounded in the reality of Communist Romania in the late 1970s and early 1980s , including long lines for groceries, the ab... continue


I must betray you by Ruta Sepetys EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Trapped by an evil dictatorship, will Cristian be forced to betray his family or will he risk everything he loves to resist? A powerful, heart-breaking thriller based on real events. *Winner of the Yoto Carnegie Shadowers' Choice Medal for Writing 2023* Cristian has lived his entire life in the grip of a repressive dictatorship. The country is governed by fear. When the secret police blackmail him, Cristian has an impossible choice. Save the life of his sick grandfather by informing on his family, or risk his life - and all of theirs - by resisting? At 17, Cristian dreams of being free but doe... continue


Life Begins on Friday by Ioana Pârvulescu EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Parvulescus' book is a magical tale full of enchanting characters who can carry the reader to another time. A time-travel book for the romantic.


Niederungen by Herta Müller DE

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
I korte prosastykker fortælles om den hårde tilværelse for det tysktalende mindretal i regionen Banat i efterkrigstidens kommunistiske Rumænien. En skånselsløs og samtidig poetisk skildring af et glemt land


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