Drama genre books (58)


Desdemona by Toni Morrison EN

0 Ratings
The story of Desdemona from Shakespeare's Othello is re-imagined by Nobel Prize laureate Toni Morrison, Malian singer and songwriter Rokia Traoré, and acclaimed stage director Peter Sellars. Morrison's response to Othello is an intimate dialogue of words and music between Desdemona and her African nurse Barbary. Morrison gives voice and depth to the female characters, letting them speak and sing in the fullness of their hearts. Desdemona is an extraordinary narrative of words, music and song about Shakespeares doomed heroine, who speaks from the grave about the traumas of race, class, gender, ... continue


Diary of the Fall by Michel Laub EN

0 Ratings
Years after a prank leaves the only Catholic boy in an elite Jewish school in Porto Alegre terribly injured, one of his classmates revisits that episode, trying to come to terms with his own story, and those of his father and grandfather.


Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis PT

0 Ratings
A amizade de infância entre Bentinho e Capitu se torna um forte romance. Forçado a ir para um seminário, lá Bentinho conhece Escobar, que vira seu grande amigo e depois se casa com a amiga de infância de Capitu, chamada Sancha. A proximidade dos quatro amigos instiga a dúvida sobre a natureza da relação que foi construída.


Drei Kameraden by Erich Maria Remarque DE

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Berlin in den »Goldenen 20ern«: Der Krieg ist vorüber – in den SaIons und Theatern herrscht Lebensfreude, in der Kasse die Inflation und auf der Straße Not und politische Unruhe. Drei junge Kriegskameraden versuchen ein neues Leben aufzubauen...


Drei Schwestern by Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow: Drei Schwestern. (Tri Sestry) Das 1900 entstandene Schauspiel zeichnet das Leben der drei Schwestern Olga, Mascha und Irina nach, die nach dem Tode des Vaters gemeinsam mit ihrem Bruder Andrej in der russischen Provinz leben. Natascha, die Frau Andrejs, drängt die Schwestern nach und nach aus dem eigenen Hause. Erstdruck: In: Russkaja mysl', H. 2, Moskau 1901. Hier nach der Übers. v. August Scholz, Berlin: I. Ladyschnikow, [o.J.]. Vollständige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2013. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: ... continue


Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe DE

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Den store tragedien om alkymisten og filosofen Faust er en av hjørnesteinenei tysk - og europeisk - litteratur. Det sentrale motivet er pakten Faust har inngått med djevelen: Faust skal få hjelp til å nå alle sine mål, men han skal miste sin sjel til det onde dersom han fristes til å holde fast ved øyeblikket og glemmer sin sannhetssøken og streben etter erkjennelse.


Fleabag : The Scriptures by Phoebe Waller-Bridge EN

0 Ratings
The complete Fleabag. Every Word. Every Side-eye. Every Fox. Order your own sacred text: Fleabag: The Scriptures includes new writing from Phoebe Waller-Bridge alongside the filming scripts and the never-before-seen stage directions from the Emmy and BAFTA winning series.


Gostaria que você estivesse aqui by Fernando Scheller PT

0 Ratings
Quando a década de 1980 começa a dar as caras no Rio de Janeiro, o tempo é de contradições. À efervescência musical e a uma febril vontadede viver, unem-se a instabilidade política, a aterrorizadora epidemia de aids e o aumento do tráfico nas favelas. E cinco personagens, de idades diferentes, aspirações diferentes, mundos diferentes, veem a vida mudar completamente. Inácio, apaixonado por Baby, larga a faculdade de engenharia quando conhece César, produtor musical gay que, como Baby, busca encontrar o próprio lugar no mundo. Selma, mãe de César, lida com o abandono do marido e o medo de perde... continue