Drama genre books (58)


Indian Horse : A Novel by Richard Wagamese EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Saul Indian Horse has hit bottom. His last binge almost killed him, and now he's a reluctant resident in a treatment centre for alcoholics, surrounded by people he's sure will never understand him. But Saul wants peace, and he grudgingly comes to see that he'll find it only through telling his story. With him, readers embark on a journey back through the life he's led as a northern Ojibway, with all its joys and sorrows. With compassion and insight, author Richard Wagamese traces through his fictional characters the decline of a culture and a cultural way. For Saul, taken forcibly from the lan... continue


Jetzt ergebe ich mich und das ist alles by Alvaro Enrigue DE

0 Ratings
Janos, Mexiko, 1835: Als Apachen eine junge Witwe entführen, bekommt Leutnant Zuloaga den Auftrag, nach ihr zu suchen. In seinem Gefolge reiten unter anderem eine scharfschießende Nonne, ein alter Tanzlehrer und zwei ehemalige Gefangene aus dem Stamm der Yaqui. Als sie die Frau schließlich finden, machen sie eine verblüffende Entdeckung. New York, 2017: Ein mexikanischer Schriftsteller hadert mit der amerikanischen Politik. Aus Angst, nach einem Besuch in seiner Heimat nicht mehr einreisen zu dürfen, verbringt er den Familienurlaub im Grenzgebiet zu Mexiko, wo sich einst Géronimo, der letzte H... continue


Le dieu du carnage by Yasmina Reza FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Théâtre avec quatre personnages: deux femmes, deux hommes.


Lysistrata by Aristophanes EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
Aristophanes helped shape comedy.... despite their often fantasical premises, were fairly consistently concerned with contemporary politics and social institutions. ... mildly aristocratic... patriotic ... suspicious of social innovation.... sympathetic to the struggles of the common people.... unrestrained in insult...exuberantly bawdy.


Mary Stuart by Friedrich Schiller EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
This work details the dramatic final days of Mary, Queen of Scots. The action opens with Mary's unjust imprisonment and ends with her execution, which is ultimately ordered by Mary's morally conflicted cousin, Queen Elizabeth of England. Schiller's play is widely regarded as one of the finest literary distillations of these controversial historical events, and the text served as the basis for the opera Maria Stuarda.