Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2933)

Mona in Three Acts by Griet Op de Beeck EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
In this international bestseller, a woman comes of age in a poignant novel about forgiveness, pain, and self-discovery. Mona's demanding mother ruled their home until a car crash took her life and changed their family forever. Left to tend to a distant father and a needy younger brother, Mona finds her new role almost too much to bear. And when a new stepmother, troubled and depressed, adds yet another crack to the family portrait, Mona's forced to shoulder an even greater share of the emotional burden. Somewhere between her responsibility to her family and to her own life, Mona finds a route ... continue


We and Me by Saskia de Coster EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
As sharp as a knife and with great psychological insight the author investigates the "we" feeling versus the longing for freedom and individuality.


The Bluecoats Vol. 12: the David by Raoul Cauvin EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
Even as the sea blockade by the Union Navy slowly strangles the South, the picket ships begin to mysteriously blow up one after another. Lincoln, worried that the war could stretch on too long if the Rebels are resupplied, orders that the Confederates' secret weapon be identified. That means sending spies to Charleston, though, in the heart of the enemy's territory. And who will be the two unlucky fools the brass entrusts with such a dangerous mission...?


Real Life by Adeline Dieudonne EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
This international bestseller by French author Adeline Dieudonné is one girl's bitingly funny coming-of-age tale within a violent, savage family.


De twee levens van Penelope by Judith Vanistendael NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
Grafische novelle over de problemen van een moderne vrouw die moeder en echtgenote in België is, maar tevens chirurg in een veldhospitaal in Aleppo.


The Book of Proper Names : A Novel by Amelie Nothomb EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
The latest novel by France's "literary lioness" (Elle Magazine) tells the story of an orphan girl named--haplessly--Plectrude. Raised by an eccentric if loving aunt, she is a dreamy child who is discovered to have enormous gifts as a dancer. Accepted at Paris's most prestigious ballet school, Plectrude devotes herself to artistic perfection, until the body can take no more.


El asesino vive en el 21 by S. A. Steeman EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
«El asesino vive en el 21 es la mejor y más emocionante novela de asesinatos en la niebla que he leído nunca».José María Guelbenzu En el neblinoso Londres de los años treinta, un asesino en serie tiene aterrorizada a la capital. Tras matar a sus víctimas de un golpe en la cabeza, les roba y deja junto a ellas una nota con la más anodina de las firmas: «Mr. Smith». Cuando, tras el último ataque, un testigo ve al criminal entrar en una pensión del número 21 de Russel Square, Scotland Yard —con el superintendente Strickland al frente del caso— pondrá bajo vigilancia a sus huéspedes: la viuda Hobs... continue


Jouw vlees & bloed by Anne Resseler NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
Esthers wereld eindigt aan haar voordeur. Alles wat ze ooit zou willen, heeft ze binnen de muren van haar appartement: videogames, een warrig manuscript en haar hamster Pim. En wanneer ze zich ‘s avonds eenzaam dreigt te voelen, zoekt ze troost bij het skelet dat onder haar bed slaapt. Wanneer Pim ziek wordt, moet Esther wel de wereld trotseren die ze al jaren ontvlucht. Dat is hoe ze Ulrike ontmoet, een alleenstaande moeder met drie eigenaardige kinderen die in het appartement tegenover dat van Esther woont. Ulrike wekt in Esther verlangens op die ze niet kan plaatsen. Wanneer Ulrike la... continue


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