Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2936)


The Bridge on the Drina by Ivo Andrić EN

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Chronicle of three centuries of Balkan life, centering around a great stone bridge in present-day Yugoslavia.


Generation haram : Warum Schule lernen muss, allen eine Stimme zu geben by Melisa Erkurt DE

0 Ratings
Jetzt sind die Verlierer dran mit Reden! Die Journalistin und Lehrerin Melisa Erkurt gibt denen eine Stimme, die im System Schule nicht gehört werden. Ein Perspektivenwechsel in der Bildungsdebatte Melisa Erkurt ist als Kind mit ihren Eltern aus Bosnien nach Österreich gekommen. Sie hat studiert. Sie arbeitet als Lehrerin und Journalistin. Sie hat es geschafft. Doch sie ist eine Ausnahme. Denn am Ende eines Schuljahres entlässt sie die Klasse mit dem Wissen, dass die meisten ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler nie ausreichend gut Deutsch sprechen werden, um ihr vorgezeic... continue


Goodbye Sarajevo : A True Story of Courage, Love and Survival by Atka Reid, Hana Schofield EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A moving and compelling true story about two sisters fighting for survival in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war


How The Soldier Repairs The Gramophone by Saša Stanišić EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
“A brilliant debut novel” about a young Bosnian War refugee who finds the secret to survival in language and stories (Los Angeles Times). For Aleksandar Krsmanović, Grandpa Slavko’s stories endow life in Višegrad with a kaleidoscopic brilliance. Neighbors, friends, and family past and present take on a mythic quality; the River Drina courses through town like the pulse of life itself. So when his grandfather dies suddenly, Aleksandar promises to carry on the tradition. But then soldiers invade Višegrad—a town previously unconscious of racial and religious divides—and it’s no longer important t... continue


Where You Come From by Saša Stanišić EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
In August, 1992, a boy and his mother flee the war in Yugoslavia and arrive in Germany. Six months later, the boy’s father joins them, bringing a brown suitcase, insomnia, and a scar on his thigh. Saša Stanišic’s Where You Come From is a novel about this family, whose world is uprooted and remade by war: their history, their life before the conflict, and the years that followed their escape as they created a new life in a new country. Blending autofiction, fable, and choose-your-own-adventure, Where You Come From is set in a village where only thirteen people remain, in lost and made-up memori... continue


Zlata's Diary : A Child's Life in Sarajevo by Zlata Filipović EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
In a voice both innocent and wise, touchingly reminiscent of Anne Frank's, Zlata Filipovic's diary has awoken the conscience of the world. Now thirteen years old, Zlata began her diary just before her eleventh birthday, when there was peace in Sarajevo and her life was that of a bright, intelligent, carefree young girl. Her early entries describe her friends, her new skis, her family, her grades at school, her interest in joining the Madonna Fan Club. And then, on television, she sees the bombs falling on Dubrovnik. Though repelled by the sight, Zlata cannot conceive of the same thing happenin... continue


Sarajevo Blues by Semezdin Mehmedinović EN

0 Ratings
From one of Bosnia's most prominent poets and writers: spare and haunting stories and poems that were written under the horrific circumstances of the recent war in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Semezdin Mehmedinovic remained a citizen of Sarajevo throughout...


The Cat I Never Named by Amra Sabic-El-Rayess EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
In Bihac, Bosnia, in 1992, sixteen-year-old Amra and her family face starvation and the threat of brutal ethnic violence as Serbs and Bosnians clash, while a stray cat, Maci, provides solace --


Mars by Asja Bakić EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A debut story collection of darkly humorous, feminist speculative fiction from the former Eastern Bloc.


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