Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2937)

Bosnian Chronicle : A Novel by Ivo Andric EN

0 Ratings
Set in the town of Travnik, Bosnian Chronicle presents the struggle for supremacy in a region that stubbornly refuses to submit to any outsider. The era is Napoleonic and the novel, both in its historical scope and psychological subtlety, Tolstoyan. In its portrayal of conflict and fierce ethnic loyalties, the story is also eerily relevant. Ottoman viziers, French consuls, and Austrian plenipotentiaries are consumed by an endless game of diplomacy and double-dealing: expansive and courtly face-to-face, brooding and scheming behind closed doors. As they have for centuries, the Bosnians themselv... continue


My Heart : A Novel by Semezdin Mehmedinovic EN

0 Ratings
A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice "Intelligent, honest, and full of heart," My Heart is an intimate work of autobiographical fiction by one of ex-Yugoslavia's greatest writers about his family's experience as refugees from the Bosnian war—a timeless story of love, memory, and the resilience of the human spirit that "has all the qualities one might seek in a friend" (Etgar Keret, author of The Seven Goods Years). "Today, it seems, was the day I was meant to die." When a writer suffers a heart attack at the age of fifty, he must confront his mortality in a country that is not his nati... continue


De tolk van Srebrenica by Hasan Nuhanovic NL

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Voor een getuigenis als deze schiet het predicaat ‘episch’ tekort. Hasan Nuhanović, destijds student in Sarajevo, vertelt hoe zijn ouders, zijn broer en hijzelf door het uitbreken van de oorlog in Bosnië van hun anker worden geslagen. Wat volgt is een relaas van mensen op drift. Ze moeten zien te over¬leven in de bossen langs de Drina, waar ze de zomer van 1992 doorkomen op de laatste oogst van het seizoen. Dan slaat de Bosnische winter toe en neemt Nuhanović’ verslag een ijzing¬wekkende wending. Onder mortiervuur van de Bosnische Ser¬viërs van generaal Ratko Mladić worden de Bosnische moslims... continue


Nigdje, Niotkuda by Bekim Sejranović EN

0 Ratings
U romanu Nigdje, niotkuda Bekim Sejranović prati svog junaka od djetinjstva u Brčkom, preko srednjoškolskih i fakultetskih godina u Rijeci. Završava u izbjeglištvu u Oslu. U jednoj sceni, od bačvi u kojima baka kiseli kupus, radi splav. Njime se namjerava spuštati Savom, pa dobiva od bake degenek. U drugoj je panker koji svira bas u bendu Paranoya. Zatim se skriva po Rijeci od onih koji uhićuju mladiće i šalju ih u rat u Bosnu, pa je izbjeglica u Norveškoj… Tamo ulazi u dvije „teške“ ljubavne veze, i nakon njih bježi na ledeni otok na samom sjeveru Norveške, gdje noć i dan traju po šest mjese... continue


Under the Yoke by Ivan Vazov EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Under the Yoke is a novel by Ivan Vazov written in 1888. It depicts the Ottoman rule of Bulgaria and is the most famous piece of classic Bulgarian literature. The tranquillity in a Bulgarian village under Ottoman rule is only superficial: the people are quietly preparing for an uprising. The plot follows the story of Boicho Ognyanov, who, having escaped from a prison in Diarbekir, returns to the Bulgarian town of Byala Cherkva to take part in the rebellion. There he meets old friends, enemies, and the love of his life. The plot portrays the personal drama of the characters, their emotions, mot... continue


Wolf Hunt by Ivailo Pretov EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Published in 1986, three years before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Wolf Hunt was the first novel to portray the human cost of Communist policies on Bulgarian villagers, forced by the government to abandon their land and traditional way of life. Darkly comic and tragic, the novel centers on an ill-fated winter hunting expedition of six neighbors whose history together is long and interwoven. The ensuing story takes the reader on a voyage of shifting perspectives that places the calamitous history of twentieth-century Bulgaria into a human context of helplessness and desperation.


Geography for the lost by Kapka kassabova EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
The voices speaking here - from a Roman housewife to a Chinese bar-owner in Berlin or an Argentine DJ - are the voices of the heart-sick, the culturally jet-lagged, people from photographs, the 'tenants' of lives, cities, and destinies.


The Physics of Sorrow by Georgi Gospodinov EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Using the myth of the Minotaur as its organising image, the narrator of Gospodinov's long-awaited novel constructs a labyrinth of stories about his family, jumping from era to era and viewpoint to viewpoint, exploring the mind-set and trappings of Eastern Europeans. Shortlisted for prizes around the world, Georgi Gospodinov's thrilling new novel will appeal to fans of Dave Eggers, Tom McCarthy and Dubravka Ugresic for its unique structure, humanitarian concerns and stunning storytelling.


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