Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2937)

Un puente sobre el Drina by Ivo Andrić ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
La ciudad de Visegrad (Bosnia), situada a orillas del río Drina, tuvo un momento de esplendor en la Edad Media por construir un puente de tránsito entre el mundo cristiano y el islámico. Esta novela recoge la historia de esa comunidad plural y conflictiva, tomando como pretexto narrativo el gran puente de piedra que cruza el río, lugar de encuentro y paseo para sus habitantes. La larga crónica abarca desde el siglo XVI hasta principios del XX, y nos da cuenta de las tensiones y enfrentamientos que se suceden y heredan de generación en generación... continue


Cómo el soldado repara el gramófono by Saša Stanišić ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
«Stanišic cuenta la guerra desde la perspectiva de un niño en Visegrado, y utiliza sabiamente todas las combinaciones posibles del drama y el humor, del destino y el juego, del realismo y lo grotesco.» Stern Aleksandar, el protagonista de este libro, vive en la pequeña ciudad bosnia de Visegrado, tiene doce años, una imaginación desbordante y una varita de mago: elementos suficientes, en su opinión, para decidir el curso de los acontecimientos. Cuando la guerra llega a Visegrado, él y su familia emprenden la huida. Desterrado en un país de Occidente, su pasión fabuladora adquiere una importanc... continue


The Judgment of Richard Richter by Igor Stiks EN

0 Ratings
In this gripping, war-torn epic novel, author Igor Stiks, a nominee for the IMPAC Dublin Award, tells the story of a celebrated writer who travels to Sarajevo to unearth devastating family secrets and the lies that have defined his life. Author Richard Richter's mother and father were always phantoms, both parents having died by the time he was four. His life, now at a crossroads, has been a jumble of invention, elusive memories, and handed-down stories. But when Richard finds his mother's hidden notebook, written by her during World War II, he discovers a confession that was never meant to be... continue


the lazarus project by Aleksandar Hemon EN

0 Ratings
‘Prose this powerful could wake the dead’ – Observer Crossing a century of Eastern European history, The Lazarus Project is a profound exploration of alienation and the immigrant experience from Aleksandar Hemon, author of The World and All That It Holds. On 2 March 1908, Lazarus Averbuch, a young Russian Jewish immigrant to Chicago, tried to deliver a letter to the city’s Chief of Police. He was shot dead. After the shooting, it was claimed he was an anarchist assassin and an agent of foreign operatives who wanted to bring the United States to its knees. His sister, Olga, was left alone and b... continue


Before the Feast by Saša Stanišić EN

0 Ratings
Someone has opened the doors to the Village Archive, but what drives the sleepless out of their houses is not that which was stolen, but that which has escaped. Old stories, myths, and fairy tales are wandering about the streets with the people. They come together in a novel about a long night, a mosaic of village life, in which the long-established and newcomers, the dead and the living, craftsmen, pensioners, and noble robbers in football shirts bump into each other. They all want to bring something to a close, in this night before the feast.


Byron and the Beauty by Muharem Bazdulj EN

0 Ratings
Byron and the Beauty is very loosely based on Byron's biography and takes place during two weeks of October, 1809, during his visit to the Balkans. Muharem Bazdulj marvelously combines facts with imagination, history, and romance, resulting in an exceptionally beautiful novel. Lord Byron ends up experiencing and embodying the lyrical Balkan condition of unrequited love called sevdah, but his valiant behavior also lands him in a regional folk song; this nod to changing cultural production in the Ottoman lands calls to mind the works of Ismail Kadare. From coffee to customary law, from courtship... continue


Radio Sarajevo by Tijan Sila DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
„Eine Jugend zwischen Blauhelmen und Bon Jovi. Tijan Sila erzählt rau, verletzlich, unverstellt.“ (Micky Beisenherz) Brutal ehrlich beschreibt er das Leben und Überleben im belagerten Sarajevo. „Dies ist die Geschichte meiner Kindheit und meines Kriegs.“ Als im April 1992 der Krieg beginnt, ist Tijan Sila nur zehn Jahre alt, doch bis heute kann er sich an den Geruch von gezündetem Sprengstoff erinnern. Während Sarajevo in Flammen steht, wird aus dem Jungen, der er damals war, ein junger Mann. Er streift durch die Ruinen der ausgebombten Stadt und sammelt Dinge, die von den Geflohenen und Gesto... continue


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