Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2924)

No Matter What : An Adoptive Family's Story of Hope, Love and Healing by Sally Donovan EN

0 Ratings
[This book] tells the ... story of an ordinary couple who build an extraordinary family - describing Sally and Rob's journey from a diagnosis of infertility to their decision to adopt two children who suffered abuse in their early lives. ..."--Back cover.


The Man of Property by John Galsworthy EN

0 Ratings
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.


The Last King of Scotland by Giles Foden EN

0 Ratings
A Scottish doctor who is personal physician to the African dictator, Idi Amin, is seduced by his charm and the perks of office to the point where he ignores the dictator's unspeakable brutality. Now back in Scotland, Dr. Nicholas Garrigan questions his complicity and finds the answer in the corruption of power.


Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
London is hunting The great Traction City lumbers after a small town, eager to strip its prey of all assets and move on. Resources on the Great Hunting Ground that once was Europe are so limited that mobile cities must consume one another to survive, a practice known as Municipal Darwinism. Tom, an apprentice in the Guild of Historians, saves his hero, Head Historian Thaddeus Valentine, from a murder attempt by the mysterious Hester Shaw -- only to find himself thrown from the city and stranded with Hester in the Out Country. As they struggle to follow the tracks of the city, the sinister plan... continue

Stravinsky's Lunch

Stravinsky's Lunch by Drusilla Modjeska EN

0 Ratings
Biography of Grace Cossington Smith and Stella Bowen, two women artists born in Australia in the 1890s. Compares their very different lives and how their lifestyles affected their work. Discusses the people who influenced them and the ways in which their art developed. Copiously illustrated, including colour plates. Includes references and index. Author's other publications include 'Poppy', 'The Orchard' and 'Exiles at Home: Australian women writers 1924-1945'.


Dare to Be Great : Unlock Your Power to Create a Better World by Polly Higgins EN

0 Ratings
'I know it may not yet look like it, but we are sowing the seeds of greatness for countless generations to come. That is the Great Work of our times. Yours and mine.'This is a book unlike any other. It does not tell you what you must do, it does not set out a guide for the 10 definitive steps to becoming great by next Thursday. Dare To Be Great is both a playful, inspirational conversation and a heartfelt, lived call, daring each one of us and our society as a whole to become truly great. Celebrated Earth lawyer Polly Higgins was a luminary in the environmental justice movement as she worked t... continue


Timepieces by Drusilla Modjeska EN

0 Ratings
'There used to be a tradition that when a cabinet-maker finished his apprenticeship, he'd make a miniature chest, or cabinet, as a gift for his master... Unlike cabinet-makers, writers rarely have a single teacher, and when they bow to those they've learned from, it'd be no tribute to make a perfect example of their work, even if it were possible.'The desire to write. The art of memoir. Finding a place to write. First love. The Englishness problem. A love of art. Fiction today...With her customary elegance and deftness, Drusilla Modjeska explores these issues and more in a liberating new colle... continue


An Inland Voyage by Robert Louis Stevenson EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Robert Louis Stevenson was not only a gifted writer, he was also an indefatigable traveller. An Inland Voyage, first published in 1878, is Stevenson's earliest book. It describes a voyage undertaken with this Scottish friend Sir Walter Grindlay Simpson, mostly along the Oise River from Belgium through France, in the autumn of 1876. Stevenson and Simpson each had a wooden canoe rigged with a sail, propelled with double-bladed paddles, a style that had recently become popular. An Inland Voyage paints a delightful picture of Europe in a more innocent time, with quirky innkeepers, travelling enter... continue


Galaxias como granos de arena by Brian W. Aldiss ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
He aquí la historia de la humanidad desde un futuro muy cercano hasta los últimos días de nuestro universo. A lo largo de incontables milenios, episodios de la vida de seres humanos concretos sirven para mostrarnos cómo van cambiando el mundo y la gente, cómo los ciclos evolutivos y involutivos culturales y genéticos hacen su trabajo. Asistimos a guerras nucleares, a periodos de extrema escasez de alimentos, a la presencia asfixiante de todo tipo de máquinas, al ingreso de la Tierra en una sociedad galáctica mucho más avanzada que la nuestra y, finalmente, no solo a la sustitución de la humani... continue


The Lamplighters by Emma Stonex EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
"Inspired by a haunting true story, a gorgeous and atmospheric novel about the mysterious disappearance of three lighthouse keepers from a remote tower miles from the Cornish coast--and about the wives who were left behind. What strange fate befell these doomed men? The heavy sea whispers their names. Black rocks roll beneath the surface, drowning ghosts. And out of the swell like a finger of light, the salt-scratched tower stands lonely and magnificent. It's New Year's Eve, 1972, when a boat pulls up to the Maiden Rock lighthouse with relief for the keepers. But no one greets them. When the e... continue


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