Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2924)

Sexul cireşilor by Jeanette Winterson RO

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Primul ananas este adus în Anglia de către John Tradescant, în timpul domniei lui Charles I. Mulţimea de gură-cască îl priveşte ca pe un miracol, neputând să se hotărască între dubiu înfricoşat şi veneraţie. În aceeaşi zi, un băiat îşi dă seama că va deveni explorator. Aşa începe viaţa lui Jordan, printre mirosurile grele ale Tamisei, pe malul căreia îşi meştereşte micile corăbii de lemn. Mama lui adoptivă, Femeia cu Câini, este o creatură monstruoasă, cu un vocabular pestriţ şi o slăbiciune pentru prostituate – „si... continue


The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Jo, Bessie and Fanny take their cousin Rick on an adventure he'll never forget to the magic Faraway Tree, where he meets Moon-Face, Silky the fairy and Saucepan Man, and visits all the different lands at the top of the Faraway Tree. Like the Land of Spells, the crazy Land of Topsy-Turvy, and the land of Do-As-You-Please, where the children ride a runaway train


Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
In the land of Ingary, such things as spells, invisible cloaks, and seven-league boots were everyday things. The Witch of the Waste was another matter. After fifty years of quiet, it was rumored that the Witch was about to terrorize the country again. So when a moving black castle, blowing dark smoke from its four thin turrets, appeared on the horizon, everyone thought it was the Witch. The castle, however, belonged to Wizard Howl, who, it was said, liked to suck the souls of young girls. The Hatter sisters--Sophie, Lettie, and Martha--and all the other girls were warned not to venture into th... continue


The Twits by Roald Dahl EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
One of Roald Dahl's funniest books for children. Mr and Mrs Twit are extremely nasty, so the Muggle-Wump monkeys and the Roly-Poly bird hatch an ingenious plan to give them just the ghastly surprise they deserve! This includes a whole new exciting end section about Roald Dahl and his world.


A Short History of England by Simon Jenkins EN

0 Ratings
Which battle was fought 'For England, Harry and St George'? Who demanded to be painted 'warts and all'? What - and when - was the Battle of the Bulge?In A Short History of England, bestselling author Simon Jenkins answers all these questions - and many more - as he tells the tumultuous story of a fascinating nation. From the invaders of the dark ages to today's coalition, via the Tudors, the Stuarts and two world wars, Jenkins weaves together a gripping narrative with all the most important and interesting dates in his own inimitable style. Until now there has been no short history of England ... continue


Poor Things [Movie Tie-In] : A Novel by Alasdair Gray EN

0 Ratings
Basis for the Major Motion Picture starring Emma Stone, Ramy Youssef, Mark Ruffalo, and Willem Dafoe, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. "Witty and delightfully written" (New York Times Book Review), Alasdair Gray's Poor Things echoes Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in this novel of a young woman freeing herself from the confines of the suffocating Victorian society she was created to serve. Winner of the Whitbread Award and the Guardian Fiction Prize In the 1880s in Glasgow, Scotland, medical student Archibald McCandless finds himself enchanted with the intriguing creature known as Bella Baxter. Suppo... continue


Last One at the Party by Bethany Clift EN

0 Ratings
November 2022. The human race has been wiped out by a virus called 6DM. The end of the world, if you will. This is the journal of a Londoner, in her mid-thirties. She owns her own flat, has married her long-term boyfriend James and has a sensible job and the kind of life that she knows is expected of her. Like so many women she has learnt to make small compromises to herself in order to fit in. Things are fine. But in November 2022 that changes. A deadly virus has led to a global pandemic. It's pretty much the end of the world. And somehow our narrator finds herself immune to the disease that ... continue


The Beautifull Cassandra by Jane Austen EN

0 Ratings
Austen's riotous early stories of drunks, poisoners and prison-breaks, written for her family's entertainment when she was a teenager.


Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
'Every voice raised against racism chips away at its power. We can't afford to stay silent. This book is an attempt to speak' *Updated edition featuring a new afterword* The book that sparked a national conversation. Exploring everything from eradicated black history to the inextricable link between class and race, Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to understand race relations in Britain today. THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS NON-FICTION NARRATIVE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2018 FOYLES NON-FICTION BOOK O... continue


A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
The first of the Sherlock Holmes' adventures, this book introduces the great sleuth and explains how Dr. Watson and Holmes come to share rooms together and solve mysteries together.


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