Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2926)

Elegy for Kosovo by Ismail Kadare EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
This battle established the Muslim foothold in Europe and became the centerpiece of Serbian nationalist ideology, justifying the campaign of ethnic cleansing of Albanian Kosovars that the world witnessed with horror at the end of the past century. In this eloquent and timely reflection on war, memory, and the destiny of two peoples, Ismail Kadare explores in fiction the legend and the consequences of that defeat."--BOOK JACKET.


El palacio de los sueños by Ismaíl Kadaré ES

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
La construcción fabulosa de una especie de reino de la muerte, de un infierno en el que los sueños y el inconsciente colectivo son analizados y censurados, se convierte en una de las mejores alegorías del poder totalitario de Ismaíl Kadaré, así como uno de sus más perfectos logros narrativos. El joven Mark-Alem, vástago de los Quyprilli, influyente familia de procedencia albanesa, y promotora de importantes reformas en el seno del Imperio Otomano, consigue un atractivo puesto de funcionario en EL PALACIO DE LOS SUEÑOS, inquietante organismo estatal al que cada ciudadano está obligado a enviar ... continue


La cena equivocada by Ismail Kadare ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
Septiembre de 1943, una columna blindada alemana cruza la localidad albanesa de Gjirokaster. Va al mando el coronel Fritz von Schwabe. Una partida de guerrilleros abre fuego contra la avanzadilla, como réplica los alemanes toman rehenes. El doctor Gurameto cree reconocer en Schwabe a un antiguo compañero de estudios en Alemania y le invita a cenar siguiendo la tradicional hospitalidad balcánica. Durante la cena, aprovecha para pedirle que libere a los rehenes, incluido al farmacéutico judío. Pasan diez años, los comunistas controlan el poder. La paranoia estalinista de los complots contra el s... continue


The Ghost Rider by Ismail Kadare EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
A classic medieval mystery from the Albanian master


Spring Flowers, Spring Frost by Ismail Kadare EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
As spring arrives in the Albanian mountain town of B-, some strange things are emerging in the thaw. Bank robbers strike the National Bank. The ghastly Kanun, regulator of medieval Albania's blood vendettas, is dredged up from the shipwreck of history. An


Doruntine by Ismail Kadare EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
...a magical parable of love, death and the power of familial bonds. -Stephen Salisbury, New York Times Book Review


Negative Space by Luljeta Lleshanaku EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
*Shortlist for the Griffin International Poetry Prize* "Language arrived fragmentary / split in syllables / spasmodic / like code in times of war," writes Luljeta Lleshanaku in the title poem to her powerful new collection Negative Space. In these lines, personal biography disperses into the history of an entire generation that grew up under the oppressive dictatorship of the poet's native Albania. For Lleshanaku, the "unsaid, gestures" make up the negative space that "gives form to the woods / and to the mad woman--the silhouette of goddess Athena / wearing a pair of flip-flops / and an owl o... continue


La poupée by Ismail Kadaré FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
Dédié à la mémoire de sa mère, ce court récit est, pour le grand écrivain albanais, prétexte à évoquer à nouveau sa ville natale Gjirokastër. C’est aussi, et surtout, l’occasion de décrire les relations entre une mère aussi frêle et légère qu’une poupée de papier mâché, égarée dans une vaste maison dont elle est censée assumer la gestion sous le regard revêche des femmes de sa belle-famille, et un fils intellectuel, émancipé, entretenant une relation hors mariage, usant de mots qu’elle ne comprend pas, dont elle redoute qu’il en vienne à renier tout ce qu’elle incarne : une des plus anciennes ... continue


the doll by Ismail Kadare EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
Young Ismail's world centres around his mother. Naïve and fragile as a paper doll, she is an unlikely presence in her husband's imposing house, with its hidden rooms and infamous dungeon. Yet despite her youthful nature, she is not without her own enigmas. Most of all, she fears that her intellectual, radical son will exchange her for a superior mother when he becomes a famous writer. From the winner of the first ever Man Booker International Prize, this is a disarming story of home and creative ambition, of personal and political freedom. Rooted in the author's own childhood in Albania, it is... continue


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