Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2885)

An Actor Prepares by Konstantin Stanislavsky EN

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
The first volume of Stanislavski's enduring trilogy on the art of acting defines the "System," a means of mastering the craft of acting and of stimulating the actor's individual creativeness and imagination.


A preparação do ator by Constantin Stanislavski PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Coube a Stanislavski a importante tarefa de sistematizar os conhecimentosintuitivos dos grandes atores do passado e de explicação ao ator contemporâneo como agir no momento da criação ou da realização. O seu sistema não é uma continuação das ideias expostas nos velhos manuais. É antes uma quebra da tradicional maneira de ensinar. O trabalho do ator, segundo o sistema de Stanislavski, não equivale a um estilo de representação. É, como qualquer técnica, um meio e não uma finalidade. É o próprio Stanislavski quem diz: "Ele (seu sistema) só tem utilidade quando se transforma numa segunda natureza ... continue


A Matter of Death and Life by Andrey Kurkov EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Marital troubles? Sick of life? Suicide the answer? Why not get yourself a contract killer? Nothing easier, provided you communicate only by phone and box number. You give him your photograph, specify when and where to find you, then sit back and prepare to die. Murdered, you will be of greater interest than ever you were in life. More to him than met the eye will be the judgement. A mysterious killing lives long in the popular memory. Our hero meticulously plans his own demise, except for one detail: what if he suddenly decides he wants to live? 'Kurkov's eye for the absurdities of Ukrainian ... continue


Hadji Murat by Leo Tolstoy EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Tolstoy’s final work—a gripping novella about the struggle between the Muslim Chechens and their inept occupiers—is a powerful moral fable for our time. Inspired by a historical figure Tolstoy heard about while serving in the Caucasus, this story brings to life the famed warrior Hadji Murat, a Chechen rebel who has fought fiercely and courageously against the Russian empire. After a feud with his commander he defects to the Russians, only to find that he is now trusted by neither side. He is first welcomed but then imprisoned by the Russians under suspicion of being a spy, and when he hears ne... continue


Notes from Underground and the Double by Fyodor Dostoyevsky EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
'Notes from Underground' (1864) is a study of a single character, 'the real man of the Russian majority', and a revelation of Dostoyevsky's own deepest beliefs. One of his best critics has said of the first part that it forms his 'most utterly naked pages. Never afterwards was he so fully and openly to reveal the inmost recesses, unmeant for display, of his heart.' 'The Double' (1846) is the nightmarish story of Mr Golyadkin, a man who is haunted or possessed by his own double. Is 'Mr Golyadkinjunior' really a double or simply a fearful side of his own nature? This uncertainty is what gives ur... continue


The Orchard : A Novel by Kristina Gorcheva-Newberry EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Four teenagers grow inseparable in the last days of the Soviet Union—but not all of them will live to see the new world arrive in this powerful debut novel, loosely based on Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. “Spectacular . . . intensely evocative and gorgeously written . . . will fill readers’ eyes with tears and wonder.”—Minneapolis Star Tribune Coming of age in the USSR in the 1980s, best friends Anya and Milka try to envision a free and joyful future for themselves. They spend their summers at Anya’s dacha just outside of Moscow, lazing in the apple orchard, listening to Queen songs, and ... continue


When Ghosts Call Us Home by Katya de Becerra EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Never, ever look directly into the eyes of a ghost. Because once you see it, once you see her, once you acknowledge her impossible existence, you can never un-see it. And that's how she gets you.When Sophia Galich was twelve, she starred in her older sister Layla's amateur horror movie Vermillion, which recorded raw footage of her very real reactions to scenes her sister concocted in their old Californian house on the coast - Cashore House.In the years after the film's release, Sophia's memories of the now-infamous house fueled her nightmares. Vermillion amassed an army of fanatical fans who s... continue


El testamento francés by Andreï Makine ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Publicada en 1995, el best-seller "El testamento francés" se coronó con tres de los premios literarios franceses más prestigiosos (Goncourt, Medicis, Goncourt des Lyceens) y es la cuarta novela de este escritor nacido en Siberia y afincado en París, donde enseñó lengua y literatura rusas. Novela autobiográfica, novela de doble exilio, "El testamento francés" reúne dos mundos situados en la Europa de finales del siglo XX: Francia y Rusia. Una inquietante meditación sobre la libertad del individuo, la viole... continue


Romanul cocainei by M. Agheev RO

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Original si tulburator, Romanul cocainei descrie experientele adolescentului Vadim Maslennikov, un tinar din Moscova anilor 1914-1919. Conventia narativa a jurnalului intim ii permite autorului sa redea, intr-un limbaj direct si, pe alocuri, frust, tribulatiile unei constiinte lucide si sensibile pe drumul sinuos al descoperirii de sine. Asemenea personajului central al unui cunoscut roman semnat de Italo Svevo, acest tinar Zeno inregistreaza, cu acuitatea unui seismograf, vibratiile transmise de evenimentele reale pina la cel mai profund nivel al interioritatii sale, unde se convertesc intr-o... continue


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