Read Around Europe Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Europe.

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Best books from Europe (2886)

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov EN

Rating: 4 (9 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Awe and exhiliration--along with heartbreak and mordant wit--abound in Lolita, Nabokov's most famous and controversial novel, which tells the story of the aging Humbert Humbert's obsessive, devouring, and doomed passion for the nymphet Dolores Haze. Lolita is also the story of a hypercivilized European colliding with the cheerful barbarism of postwar America. Most of all, it is a meditation on love--love as outrage and hallucination, madness and transformation.


Weiße Nächte by Fjodor Dostojewski DE

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
"Es ist wahr, wenn ich vor einer Frau stehe, bin ich stets schüchtern und, ich gebe es zu, nicht weniger aufgeregt, als Sie (...). Jetzt bin ich erschrocken. Es ist mir, als ob alles ein Traum wäre; ich habe mir aber auch im Traume niemals vorgestellt, daß ich imstande wäre, mit irgendeinem weiblichen Wesen zu sprechen..." (Dostojewski, Zitat auf S. 8 aus "Weiße Nächte"). Die Geschichte über den schüchternen Außenseiter, der sich in eine junge Frau verliebt, gilt vielen als die schönste Novelle des russischen Autors. Fjodor Dostojewski. Weiße Nächte. Ein empfindsamer Roman (Aus den Erinnerunge... continue


Last Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
The fourth novel in the blockbuster series from one of Russia's most popular authors, Last Watch returns us to the hyper-imaginative world of Sergei Lukyanenko, where the endless battle between good and evil is about to reach its climax. Anton Gorodetsky is just getting a feel for his new powers when his boss, Gesar, sends him to assist the Scottish Night Watch in Edinburgh in a murder investigation. A young Russian man has been murdered--apparently by a vampire. But the mystery is more than it seems, and soon Anton is himself in danger. The murderer appears to be someone with intimate knowled... continue


Il senso delle parole rotte by Massimiliano Giri IT

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / San Marino flag San Marino
Nella villa sulla collina, oltre il cancello di ferro battuto, le pattuglie aspettano all'ingresso. Gli aloni bluastri dei lampeggianti nella pioggerella nebulizzata che riempie l'aria. La casa è stata già perlustrata e la ragazza non c'è. Il cellulare, staccato. Segni di una colluttazione in soggiorno, schegge di ceramica spuntano dal parquet come denti di squalo. Tracce di sangue, un arabesco scuro come melassa che va verso una porta sul retro e prosegue nel parco, fra la ghiaia e l'erba. La recinzione di metallo è stata tranciata, un buco delle dimensioni di una persona spezza il verde dell... continue


Celesta by Milena Ercolani IT

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / San Marino flag San Marino
L'enigma della vita e della morte rappresenta l'oggetto della ricerca dell'autrice declinato nella vicenda della protagonista. Una donna tenace, soggetta alle costrizioni di una mentalità maschilista che la sottopone a violenze e forti limitazioni della libertà. Celesta combatte strenuamente e la sua vita diventa simbolo della lotta di liberazione di tutte le donne. Come afferma Alessandro Quasimodo nella introduzione, 'nel romanzo si ricongiungono le aspirazioni delle donne del mondo'. Nelle righe di Milena Ercolani si ritrova il plasma che dà for... continue


The Republic of San Marino by Charles De Bruc EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / San Marino flag San Marino
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for b... continue


The Morningside : A Novel by Téa Obreht EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
From the critically beloved, New York Times bestselling author of The Tiger's Wife and Inland, a magical novel of mothers and daughters, displacement and belonging, and myths both old and new. There’s the world you can see. And then there’s the one you can’t. Welcome to the Morningside. After being expelled from their ancestral home in a not-so-distant-future, Silvia and her mother finally settle at The Morningside, a crumbling luxury tower in a place called Island City where Silvia’s aunt Ena serves as the superintendent. Silvia feels unmoored in her new life because her mother has been so di... continue


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